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Hypetension Meds


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What's the current regulation on hypertension meds? I am currently on Lisinopril and Amlodipine for controlled essential hypertension and was wondering how this would affect flight qualification. I know monotherapy does not require a waiver, but how about combination therapy? With a #1 nomination to the Air Force Academy, I'm looking at my chances of me showing up to Colorado already knowing I'm not even close to pilot qualified before I even take the flight physical years later.

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3 hours ago, Volbeater7734 said:

What's the current regulation on hypertension meds? I am currently on Lisinopril and Amlodipine for controlled essential hypertension and was wondering how this would affect flight qualification. I know monotherapy does not require a waiver, but how about combination therapy? With a #1 nomination to the Air Force Academy, I'm looking at my chances of me showing up to Colorado already knowing I'm not even close to pilot qualified before I even take the flight physical years later.

I must caveat my response with the fact that I'm no expert on hypertension and flying.  But, according to the most recent Medical Standards Directory I could find (May 2020), here is the standard on hypertension:



The most recent waiver guide (April 2020) I could find stated this:



Essentially you must must the standard (treated with a single, approved med).  Otherwise, there are no waivers for IFC I.

Note that these may not be the latest MSD or waiver guide, but nothing changed in the years prior so I highly doubt anything has changed since they were published.


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