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About boobs

  • Birthday 07/15/1979

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  1. I believe its called an orientation ride...
  2. I'm still skeptical it was an Iranian plot. Those IRGC is not known for sloppiness in operations and if they really wanted to F with us or the Saudis there are way easier and closer options than a place in DC. I'm not saying there wasn't a plot of some sort but the Quds is no amatuer show when it comes to operations.
  3. Slight thread revival: Today my class was starting academics for a new airframe and a flightline tour was on the schedule. Last week we asked about wearing a flightsuit instead of blues because of the tour and were told in no uncertain terms that the uniform of the day on Monday is blues. So we show up today for the tour in blues. The FTU DO is walking us out to the jet and we are stopped by maintanence on our way and are told that we are not allowed on the flightline because of the FOD hazard presented by the rank and insignia on our uniforms and in order to continue to the aircraft we would have to remove all the pins. Essentially I think its bad planning by the schedulers and excessively strict enforcement of a standard. Am I missing something or is this just a supreme lack of critical thinking skills? I agree we shouldn't have been in blues to start but since when are blues not allowed on the flightline?
  4. I guess it really is more difficult to convey sarcasm through text. My name is Boobs and I'm sporting the pilot wings exclusively and have been since May 04. Sounds like an AA meeting, or so I've been told. Maybe that works a little better? BOOBS
  5. So here is a question....I started as a comm officer, went on to UPT and selected EC-130s. Does this mean now I get to wear my Pilot wings along with the "cyberspace badge" as well as the comm badge? I can't wait to figure out the uniform rules for this crap. Maybe that fast tracks me for the upper echelons of leadership? I guess I need to finish the Master's so I have right pedigree. Oh wait, that is due to change with the change of the Chief of Staff.
  6. This just in from Saleem. Edited to remove names.... Please do not go out the front door of the DFAC, it is an emergency exit only, believe me people are watching! Thank you, Lt Col XXXX Excerpts below: .............................. CCs/Shirts, Please read the comment below. This is probably not only an aircrew issue, unfortunately, we as aircrew are highlighted because of the uniform we wear. However, it means we have to be even more professional because we live in the proverbial "Fishbowl." Please keep talking to your folks about standards and professionalism. ............................... "We are having a serious problem with the Aircrews and there attitudes of doing what ever they want, can you please help?" So we have a serious problem with "aircrew attitudes"? I'll let that generate some responses and see what happens after I go and finish my 16 hr duty day flying over baghdad. We can see what Amn/Col Schmuckattelli's contribution is to ongoing operations from living in the proverbial fishbowl. Boobs
  7. Finally something I can comment on with experience. Bass Guiness Dos XX Amber Molson And for all of you in and around Tucson, Az Nimbus Old Monkey Shine Ale (8.5% pure goodness)
  8. I know the feeling. I was in Saleem and the services group commander decides its time to enforce shirt tucking policy....Well I have no freakin clue who the hell this overweight figure is, so I blow off the suggestion. Mistake #1! It then becomes her job to lecture me on proper uniform wear. When I realize who it is I half heartedly comply. This services group commander doesn't even eat in her own chow hall! I know this is rambling but my point is... if you OWN the chow hall and choose to eat at the Army chow hall, how can your own people respect the job your doing. I know not applicable but still more deployed bull(&*^. Thanks for your time. Stay Classy San Diego, ~BOOBS
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