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Spec Ops Herc Tracks

Guest Sepulcher220

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Guest Sepulcher220

I'm just about to finish up tweets at Columbus, and just filled out my dream sheet. I really want to do tac airlift, and I was advised to put in for T-1s (as opposed to T-44's) to keep my options open. I've been reading some articles in Air Mobility Magazine (while tending to various physio matters) about the C-17 being used to a fuller extent in the low-level/airdrop role. Say that doesn't workout and I manage to get a C-130 outta UPT. What are my chances of moving from slicks into AFSOC?

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I don't know much about slicks to AFSOC but the only way you'll get AFSOC as your first assignment is through Corpus Christi.

Even if you don't get it out of the pipeline, it will be an easier transition from slick 130s than from the other T-1 tracks.

If you want Tac Airlift...go T-44.

[ 01. August 2006, 16:56: Message edited by: SUMA ]

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Originally posted by SUMA:

I don't know much about slicks to AFSOC but the only way you'll get AFSOC as your first assignment is through Corpus Christi.

Even if you don't get it out of the pipeline, it will be an easier transition from slick 130s than from the other T-1 tracks.

If you want Tac Airlift...go T-44.


Does it mean you're guaranteed a spec ops slot straight out of Corpus, no. But you are guaranteed a Herk, and as long as you aren't a sh!t bag in slicks you've got a pretty good chance of going for that slot you want. But what do I know I'm just a co.


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Airdrop is a second qualification in C-17s - you don't get it right away. You get to go back to Altus to get it, after you've flown airland for a year or two or three. And not everybody gets to go.

I'm under the impression that all -130 people are airdroppers.

You will do some low-level stuff in the C-17 - but it's mostly just local training stuff, I have yet to do any of that stuff when flying real-world missions. Basically you stay proficient in it for if and when you might be called upon to actually use it, like combat offloads.

for airdroppers, that might be a different story, but like I said not everybody is an airdropper.

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Guest RamRod

Take it from this former Toner...I was lucky to get the Herk and only slicks are available from the T-1.

Go 44s to Corpus if you're serious about flyin' Herks in any version.

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Originally posted by Sepulcher220:

I really want to do tac airlift, and I was advised to put in for T-1s (as opposed to T-44's) to keep my options open.

Whoever gave you that advice is an idiot. "Options open?" If you go to Tones, you have the option of maybe...just maybe getting a Herk in your drop. If you go to Corpus, you have one option...a Herk.

Originally posted by Sepulcher220:

about the C-17 being used to a fuller extent in the low-level/airdrop role.


Originally posted by Chuck Farleston:

I'm under the impression that all -130 people are airdroppers.

All slick drivers are and most spooks are with two exceptions.


[ 02. August 2006, 01:26: Message edited by: HerkDerka ]

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Guest SpectrePilot

"2" on the Cannon part.

AFSOC pilots are gonna start dropping out like flies when they have to move to Cannon. Anybody willing to bite that bullet to be a part of the team will be welcomed at that point. Big vacuum will exist and slick-guys will be sucked hard.

(Thought y'all would like that last sentence--see the other thread running about the Amazing Race guy...)

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