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Posts posted by cragspider

  1. 1 hour ago, BE36 said:

    At an all-call yesterday, our OG said there might not be an O-4 board for the 16YG.  I was tracking that the board would likely move to February to accommodate the SCOD.  But no board whatsoever?  Anybody have the inside scoop on this?   

    That is somewhat correct, they have just moved the board to line up with the SCOD, and there will be 2 O5 boards this year due to the SCOD changes. Nobody says big blue makes logical decisions some times. The O-3 SCOD was too close to when the MLR got the  prf’s. 

  2. On 11/15/2023 at 1:15 PM, M2 said:

    I also have a lot of Army aviation buds who love the Belleville C793s which are very similar but run smaller from my experience.  I believe these which are on the Safe to Fly list are essentially the same boot...


    I’ve had these for years and love them. Tried on the Rocky’s and couldn’t get my foot in them, but those boots are great. Now only if we could go back to the black boots. 

  3. 42 minutes ago, ClearedHot said:

    To help fix the retention problem we lowered our standards...so we got that going for us.

    According to three separate professional staffers I recently spoke with, applicants to U.S. service academies are down 70% with the vaccine requirement and DEI being cited as the number 1 and 2 issues.


    When are they going to figure out this issue and correct it? Oh maybe go like the navy with this tactic? 


  4. 9 hours ago, General Chang said:

    $50K bonus will be out soon.  Everybody just chill and eat your chips and salsa quietly.

    $50K will come out & people will sign like they always do.  Geesh.

    Yeah about 5 years late, this should have been what it needed to be in 16 when the wave started. Keep rolling it out later and later. Even with the new catch them earlier attempt it’s not going to slow the bleeding talent. 

  5. 12 hours ago, Chida said:

    Did he know prior? Was he regular AF?

    He didn’t know. He found out after he retired when the mpf called him telling him he needs to come back in to get a different retiree I’d since the regs changed. 
    Yes he was active duty. He still got the high three. Just didn’t have O-4 on the full 3 years. If he knew I don’t think it would have changed a single thing 

  6. 2nd on reading Devotion, the movie was decent and worth the 3.25 in the desert. It left a lot out on the humor of Jessie Brown and his desire to fly and his up bringing. The flying scenes are decent and the director did his best to use actual planes and sets vs cgi completely like Red Tails. If you’ve got Paramount + watch it. 

    • Like 1
  7. Well if you haven’t heard by now Delta just made the bonus obsolete completely. They have now expanded when they will hire us from active duty. 

    This was posted on their Pilot recruiting FB page, along with a story about it on their website as well. 

    At Delta Air Lines, we are committed to recruiting, hiring, and retaining top talent from the U.S. Armed Forces to better serve those who served us. As part of this commitment, we are proud to announce that we will begin interviewing and extending conditional job offers (CJOs) to retiring full-time active-duty military and full-time Active Guard Reserve (AGR) members, as an expansion of the previous process. 

    For all other military members, we will also begin interview processes and extending CJOs to successful candidates 12 months prior to their availability date. 

    “This process expansion will allow retiring service members to secure a job at Delta Air Lines while finishing up their patriotic duties over a period of up to two years and up to one year for all other military members,” said John Laughter, E.V.P. and Chief of Operations. “This will provide our service members and their families with the security of a career lined up and ready, while they make a life transition and get settled in the next chapter of their lives. On behalf of the entire Delta family, thank you for your service.” 

    If you are a veteran, active-duty military, or active-duty military approaching retirement, visit our skills translator website below, which will match the skills and specialties you earned in the military to open positions at Delta Air Lines. 



  8. 49 minutes ago, HuggyU2 said:

    Question was asked and I'm looking for your expertise...

    For someone who is 5' 5" and flying the C-130J, they are curious if there's a good seat cushion on the market that is recommended by y'all.  Apparently, the J-model HUD isn't adjustable (brilliant, Lockheed) and it wasn't installed for someone with a shorter seating height.

    Do any of you Herc Drivers have any suggestions?  


    Seat all the way up and it should be fine. We have plenty of vertically challenged people flying the Herk that haven’t complained about the hud issue. But if they get the Oregon aero cushion make sure it has the cut out in it like the west does. Btw the hud is projected from the ceiling not off the dash like a fighter si that’s why it doesn’t adjust. 

    Does the hud in the airliners adjust? 

  9. 2 hours ago, Hunter Rose said:

    So any word on when they actually plan to release this years bonus details? Keeping out hope for a $35K bonus with 1 year  commitment...daddy needs a new Jet Ski before he retires!


    I’d expect it once the gov has a full budget for the year and not these 6-9 week CR’s kicking the can down the road. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, herkbum said:


    Nor do TN and FL

    Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app



    4 hours ago, Sua Sponte said:

    Currently, WA and AK do not have state income tax.

    Neither does Texas, but you pay for it in property taxes for sure. 
    Some states that have an income tax don’t tax your mil retirement. 

    I don’t know why you would ever sell back your leave. Just take it and get the full amount of bah/bas/fly pay for those days. 

  11. AA just announced that they are hiring 300 pilots this year and 600 in 22. Plus the flow though from the regionals. Hope for the best for those that are about to get out. 

    This years bonus rates should be interesting. 

    • Like 1
  12. 17 hours ago, nsplayr said:

    Massive thread bump.

    Is there any place that still rents mess dress uniforms? I have managed to go an entire 14+ year career without purchasing mess dress and I'm trying to finish strong. Google turns up nothing credible.

    Last time I wore the uniform was 2013 for a wedding and at that time I rented from some place that I cannot remember nor can I find any evidence of it in my email.

    🍺 on me if anyone knows of a place that exists / is good.

    eBay it man. That’s what I’ve done. Still way less than buying it possibly even renting it. 

  13. On 3/16/2021 at 9:02 PM, Bergman said:

    If it’s that dangerous, but we aren’t flying any significant combat Ops....why are the crews there in the first place?

    It’s only a big deal when you find out every E-3 in finance or EEO has their own room, and this is your 12th 90 day trip there in the last 8 years.  Not a big deal, but it gets old. 

    I guess to justify this place? 
    But how about the weekly Thursday white noise th eh play here? They are F’d if it ever went off for real. 

  14. 16 hours ago, Bergman said:

    What’s the story on Al Udeid’s lodging crisis?

    After all those years in the trailers, they finally got aircrew into the BPC.  Only to start doubling up crews lately.


    What’s the back story?

    Something to the effect of wanting all people in hardened facilities.  

  15. 3 hours ago, Homestar said:

    Too many politicians have joined the Trump-as-Jesus-Christ cult that has also swept the nation. Not that all Trump voters act this way, but the emergence and strength of the QAnon cult is evidence that there is a good percentage that believe this. It’s going to be an uphill battle and I wouldn’t be surprised if Kinzinger gets primaried by a Margorie Greene type. 

    I hope this isn’t the case. I’m a big Crenshaw fan on policy and Kinzinger fan on leadership. 

    He’s getting challenged by Catalina Lauf, she ran in 20 against a Dem and didn’t win. She was one of many female’s running last time. She had more support this time from the Republican Party, which Imo she should have last time as well, and isn’t afraid to put America First and not just ride the coat tails of the tea party movement then do something else. Only time will tell. 

    • Downvote 1
  16. 1 hour ago, FUSEPLUG said:

    I'll second Jai Alai from Cigar City Brewing.  Still can't beat Bell's Two Hearted, but definitely in my top 5.  

    I’ll add a third to that one as well. I really like their Tropical IPA as well.  

    Yesterday I enjoyed a Victory Golden Monkey. Damn good Belgian style tripel, 9.5% ABV 

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