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Posts posted by Ten30Seven

  1. 46 minutes ago, Dangerzone said:

    Thanks for sending. Anyone have an idea how to get a list of what units are undermanned? Figure it’s tankers in obscure places like Kansas, but would be nice to not waste time applying to units that can’t hire a pilot for multiple years. 

    One squadron I reached out to in May told me that AFRC is short of pilots for the KC-135 and C-130, so they recommended applying for those aircraft. Also since I have an unsponsored UPT slot, the C-130 unit at Dobbins and the C-17 unit at Dover contacted me saying they're looking to hire. So those would be good options too.

  2. Interviewed recently with a C-5 unit. Consisted of 7 pilots, super casual, no reporting in, interview was online and took about 45 minutes.

    1. Introduce yourself

    2. Why did you choose to go into the reserves instead of active duty?

    3. How do you handle disagreements in decision making?

    4. How would you balance a reservist career with an airline career?

    5. Do you understand the time commitment involved, even with being a TR?

    6. Everyone these days has good stats. What sets you apart?

    7. Give an overview of your flight experience. Did you encounter any challenges during flight training?

    8. Have you encountered any unsafe situations while flying? How did you handle them?

    9. What are your strongest skills when it comes to flying?

    10. Do you have any questions for us?


    I'd echo Broskees' advice, find a way to tie in your answers to how you'd succeed as a pilot and fit in well in the squadron. Obviously be yourself and answer honestly, but don't be afraid to sell yourself too. Make a strong argument for why you should be the one to get hired.

  3. On 5/14/2020 at 8:57 PM, OptFire said:

    Anyone had their FC1 rescheduled yet? 

    I just got back from mine, apparently we were the first group to go through since things shut down at WPAFB due to COVID. We were basically the only ones there, and there were only 9 of us, so things went super fast. I was originally scheduled to go the week of April 6th.

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