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Posts posted by fischtales

  1. For anyone that was previously med DQ'd and was picked up this last board thanks to the relaxed color vision standards - did you have to go to MFS at Wright-Patt again? 

    I reached out to AFPC inquiring about a TDY RIP, and the tech said I won't need to go since I went back in 2013 (despite getting DQ'd under previous CCT standards). Sounds fantastic, but I would assume I'd have to knock out a successful round with them... and my 2808 is of course stamped pending MFS.

    Any insight from those who have already PCS'd?

    Headed to Vance 31 Aug

  2. 9 hours ago, ZachEhlers said:

    Just curious... what we’re your original CCT scores before the change? @TeafChief too!

    65 with green (both eyes). I took it again once on active duty just to confirm and got 65 in my left eye, 95 in my right... fast forward to my IFC for this board and I got 90s in both eyes... I can’t explain and neither could the optometrist. pretty bizarre

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