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Posts posted by A-Gilbert

  1. Hey all,

    I thought I would give an update. After some helpful advice here and speaking with flight docs for both USAF and USN I made the decision to get PRK last Saturday. I cannot say it has been a fun week so far, but the advice from both Docs were pretty much “if you know you want to at least have a shot at being a pilot, go get surgery and start the clock on your recovery.”

    I’m only 5 days past the surgery, but I’m willing to answer any questions people have for me regarding my conversations with the doctors or my surgery!

  2. So I am confused about something in the vision requirements for both the navy and the Air Force. I have no correction in my eyes for near/farsightedness but wear contacts for astigmatism. My astigmatism is -1.75 in both eyes confirmed by both methods of examaination. 

    I understand that this is outside of the limits but can I get a waiver and still be eligible to be a pilot or would I need to get surgery and then submit for a post op waiver. I have seen some comments in here that mention waivers without surgery while others mention the waivers are for once you are within limits. 

    Any insight is appreciated!

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