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Brock Putnam

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Posts posted by Brock Putnam

  1. flyusaf83, I don't see anything wrong with what you did.  You weren't trying to swindle anybody, you were just trying to find out more about the assignment from a reliable source.  If the OG wants to be mad about it, that's his choice.  However, I don't see that reason enough to bone you.

    I'm in a tough situation with afpc right now as well.  I'm a UPT grad that was sent to RPAs as first assignment, and it's time to return to manned due to the sunset of the MQ-1.  I'm slotted for the E-8 jstars which ordinarily I would not mind, but it is screwing over my wife's career who is an mx officer.  Mx officers need a/c assignments that have multiple bases so the pilot (me) and mx officer (wife) can stay together long term.  I ranked the E-8 last for said reasons and that's still what I received.  I've tried explaining this to my commander but he doesn't seem to care.  It's going to lead to one or both of us getting out, which isn't something we wanted to do so soon.  I have no idea what to do.

    Sorry I used your post as a platform to get this out, but I will go down kicking and screaming if I need to!

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