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Posts posted by Bowser36

  1. 8 hours ago, bennynova said:

    I'm not sure where the confusion is.... seems pretty self explanatory regarding the new system.


    - more people may be wasting their time doing ACSC in res because they don't know where they stand



    - promotion list is celebrated by everyone equally. 

    - senior eater gets to push who they want for board, knowing family issues, important job efforts/timing, pcs timing, whether member desires to go, etc

    - same number of slots will be available, they will just be given out at same board

    - perhaps ACSC can cut down on school turndowns at last second...been an issue in the past


    Ultimately besides wasting time with in res ACSC, I don't see a prob


    To me, it sounds pretty similar, you just have to wait a few more years to find out if you're going to go. Senior raters have always played a huge role in selecting who goes to school.

    • Upvote 1
  2. On 7/8/2017 at 10:57 PM, LookieRookie said:

    No more schools selects on O-4 boards, everyone competes separately. Getting that approved is  what's taking so long for release.

    Call me cynical, but I think this change is just an attempt to dangle the carrot longer....instead of knowing at 10 years you're not going to school, now you won't know until 13, where you might be more willing to stick it out to 20.

  3. On 3/19/2017 at 8:07 PM, euser said:

    I don't mind a high deployment tempo or anything like that, my end goal is rescue (helicopters).

    Just realize you might not be as excited in six to nine years when you're married with kids and on your sixth deployment.

    That said, glad you're excited to get out and contribute to the current fight. No matter the path you choose, you'll be busy.

  4. Beerman, you make some good points. I hope this mass punishment doesn't last too long. I could see it backfiring if it does.

    5 hours ago, drewpey said:

    This paragraph should be framed and put in the "Why other services think the USAF is a joke" museum.  My community loves their beer-drinking traditions just as much as the next, but we have a pretty good track record of protecting that privilege by watching out for each other.  Having fun and being responsible aren't mutually exclusive.

    Sounds like a lame-ass museum. The grunts I've protected on the ground didn't think we were a joke. The squadron bar is an important part of the Air Force culture. I'd hate to see it go away. Good learning occurs there.

    Thank you for stating the obvious. I never implied you had to break rules to have fun.

  5. 7 hours ago, drewpey said:

    ...One day you will look back on these days and wonder why you spent so much time getting your panties in a wad over the most minor of inconveniences...

    Dude, it is a big deal. He's taking away one of the best things about the Air Force and one of the things that differentiates us from other organizations. It may sound crazy, but hanging out in the bar with the bro's is one of the things that makes a 70 hour work week palatable. I feel bad for you if your community has lost that tradition. If all I can do is fly planes and go home, I might as well work for Delta- a lot more money and a lot less BS.

    • Upvote 3
  6. 15 minutes ago, BeerMan said:

    1. No it won't. I've seen/been thru multiple groundings, roll call has been cancelled more times than I can remember, seen multiple DUIs in my Squadrons, and I've endured numerous "periods of reflection" usually thanks to other services and it all worked out. Was I pissed? You bet, but looking back on a lot of it usually someone screwed up bad and something needed to be done to get everyone's attention. None of those things went on forever, and people adjusted their plans and hopefully learned from it.

    Well, it's not going to help morale. Most officers are responsible enough to not make career altering piss poor decisions while intoxicated. I hate punishing the masses for the choices of a few.

    The club on Friday nights during UPT were some of the best times in my career. Don't underestimate the power of comradery and tradition in keeping people motivated. Shame these dudes will miss out. Glad our newest pilots are getting to see a great example of leadership.

    • Upvote 1
  7. On 1/5/2017 at 5:27 PM, daynightindicator said:

    Palace Chase:
    Less than 6 mo ADSC - likely to be approved
    6-12 - rare
    More than 12 - very unlikely

    Looking for any recent experience with fighters to heavies palace chase. Did you get 6 months approved? And is it typical to start the RTU immediately after separation or can it be delayed a few months? Lastly, any recent palace chase to fighter units getting approved for more than 6 months? Thanks.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Ulysses said:

    Furthermore, if guys are sucking in 38s and can't get a bomber drop, is there a chance of being recycled back into Tones or something, or does that just cause too much administrative difficulty/backup in the next class? If they're gonna be stealing a heavy from a T-1 student then it only seems fair that they then compete against those T-1 students.  

    But that's assuming "fairness."

    Life is not fair. In the Air Force, timing is everything. This is true well beyond UPT. Do the best you can and the rest is out of your hands. With the drops that are coming down now, if you do well in whatever track, you'll get what you want.

    UPT assignments were much worse even just a few years ago (see 2008-2009 timeframe). I'm sure the guys from the 90's who did tours as a non-rated officer before UPT slots opened up could tell stories of how it was even worse...

    • Upvote 4
  9. On 1/22/2017 at 5:30 AM, Longhorn15 said:

    The reason they're focused on 11Fs isn't just undermanning now.  Due to CAF REDUX, fighter pilot production was less than half of what was needed from 08-14.  Remember the days of 1 fighter per UPT class and ENJJPT guys mostly going to heavies?  The chickens are coming home to roost and it's going to get much worse before it gets better, that is why HAF is so concerned about retaining those year groups. 

    HAF may be concerned about those year groups, but I doubt anything will change to retain them. If anything, I'd expect TX slots to diminish for dudes in those year groups as AFPC tries to cram as many B-coursers through as possible. Several years from now, the shortage may appear over when you look at the number of bodies, but our fighter force will consist of dudes all from a couple of year groups.

  10. On 1/22/2017 at 2:30 AM, Longhorn15 said:

    I'm not saying we don't need 11F experience downrange, we clearly do, or that others should go instead.  I'm saying if HAF wanted to fix the 11F problem they would get CENTCOM to agree to 120 day non-flying deployments rather than 365s to fill these spots, at least below the O-6 Command level.  Make it 120, and you'll get volunteers.  When it's 365, you push people out, both the ones that 7-day opt and those that leave at 11 yrs rather than 7-day opt at 14-16 yrs.  We are already filling some W11F-coded billets with 120s, due to the patch community being devastated by 365s, why not the rest of the force too?

    The reason they're focused on 11Fs isn't just undermanning now.  Due to CAF REDUX, fighter pilot production was less than half of what was needed from 08-14.  Remember the days of 1 fighter per UPT class and ENJJPT guys mostly going to heavies?  The chickens are coming home to roost and it's going to get much worse before it gets better, that is why HAF is so concerned about retaining those year groups.  Not saying other communities don't have problems, but it's not as acute...yet.

    By year group, do you mean upt graduation year or commissioning? I think the biggest drawdown occurred between 2008-2010, so I'm assuming you mean upt class.

    I heard this current VML you can't get an F-35 TX slot unless you were commissioned after 2008. Its going to be tough to keep some dudes in if they can't even compete for the assignment they want.

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