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Adam P

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Posts posted by Adam P

  1. Dudes, apparently I pissed a bunch of you guys off and that's my bad.  My buddy Sparky told me this morning and he defend me as a stand-up guy so I'll take what I deserve.  I didn't serve in the selfie age, I didn't own a camera till I got married and I wasn't married while I was on active duty.  The pics of me in uniform are few.  This pic was taken while I was flying some missions in the back of either a C-17 or C-130 with a buddy of mine who happened to be a laodmaster and was able to get me on a few rides.  That's his helmet, he snapped some pics, we were doing some training airdrops and I was pumped to tag along.  I do believe that patch was swapped with someone from the flight deck but I can't remember but I do remember I had another sweet morale patch on the other side as well.  My eye sight is 20/400, so no, I never had the opportunity to go through or washout of UPT.

    We used those pics because they were some of the few I could find.  I don't believe anything claims I'm a fighter pilot though I would have liked to have been one if PRK or Lasik was accepted back then. 

    I do believe I have a few pics from survival as well in BDUs but in fear of someone accusing me of trying to be a SEAL or Ranger, I'll refrain.  Instead I was self-loading baggage who got to fly in the back, perhaps supporting some of you and coordinate SEAD missions, since airborne EW was my specialty.  I appreciate all the dedication to keeping me in check...and if you ever think about running for office, my advice would be not to.  Oklahoma has a $1.5 billion budget deficit which we're trying to sort through and I'm having to defend a picture I took 10 years ago with a flight helmet.  Hope this clears it up so Duck can get back to his crown and cokes.  

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