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Posts posted by BDJ238

  1. Bringing this back up. A year later and I'm still working to not be DQ'd. I'm attempting to get an ETP seeing that my "dyshidrotic eczema" or dry skin is very minimal. I had a local Derm do several tests and write a letter that he doesn't see this as being a problem and that I should even be cleared to receive the smallpox vaccine if needed. This went on the the State Flight Surgeon who supported it, wrote a letter and sent it up to State NGB. NGB signed it and wrote a letter responding to an inquiry on me from a State Representative.

    The question(s) I have is where should this go from here? Should I have the Rep submit to NGB requesting an ETP or maybe directly to USAF Surgeon General?

    From what I understand, I haven't actually had eyes on any of the paperwork since I handed up my letter from the Derm, is that the current letters basically state that I should be able to continue applying for UPT positions (I'm still an Alt with one unit and speaking with another, interviewing with others) and that the state will back me when I try to go for an I/IA again. Am I headed in the right direction?

  2. bumping this back up.

    "irishtiger" did you get anywhere with your attempts to get a waiver?

    I have 2 or 3 small spots on my hands, identified by an AF Determatologist, they perscribed a steriod cream which did nothing for me so I stopped using it. I use an over the counter lotion once a day or so if I'm in the water frequently and it flares. This just appeared on me in the last 2 years and I don't understand why now and what triggered it. Also is all eczema subjective with no test?

    I was notified yesterday that I my appointment for an FC1 was cancelled and I was DQ'd (no paperwork yet). Where should I go from here? Civilian Dr? Medical at my Sq?

  3. Interviewed with Savannah, Ga yesterday. 8 interviewees, I was next to last. 5 Officers on the board, no enlisted members, 6 questions total. The one thing that caught me off guard was doing formal reporting upon entering. I haven't done that in years and years.

    1. Tell us about yourself.

    2. Talk about a difficult situation you've been in, what you did, & what you learned.

    3. Tell us about a time when you had to step up as a leader and take charge. Also talk about you leadership styles and preferences.

    4. Tell us about a time you had to go against the grain to do what you felt was right. IE didn't agree with leadership or regs.

    5. Tell us about a time you failed at something.

    6. Why you?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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