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Posts posted by Bob

  1. I was just informed I was permenantly DQ'd because of my vision. My uncorrected vision is 20/400 in both eyes. I know my vision is bad but I neve thought a prescription level of -3.75/-4.00 would be a disqualyfing factor.

    I am having a hard time understanding why this is surprising news. 20/400? Seriously?

  2. Speaking of young, impressionable Lts...

    There were a couple of times the instructors told the students essentially that "if a pilot asks too many stupid questions during a brief just tell them to shut up and sit down."

    Well, that'll be a self critiquing experience. I winced a little reading that. Did the instructor mention the type of squadron in which he thought that might end well for the intel guy?

    Unlike GS and military, it is very easy to fire contractors. Just like in the real world. If those tormented by his guy formally and aggressively complained to the company that employs him, he would most likely be gone regardless of what the mil leadership thinks. That is one of the best thing about contractors, performance actually matters.

    ^^This. The only thing is, someone has to actually complain and then actually follow up. Easier said than done when the tormented group is students; i.e. highly transient and under constant evaluation pressure.

    e.g. \/\/

    oh, but he can

    1. complain to leadership and get you washed back.


    2. find a reason to wash you back from one of the briefs.

  3. 398px-Rep._Renee_Ellmers.jpg


    I too question this general's judgement.

    LOL. New guy.

    The Army guys call that "recalibration".

    That right there is a:

    Home station 3

    Home station 5 (MILF scale)

    Mid 1990's: Al Jaber 9

    Early 2000's: Kandahar 8/Bagram 7

    Mid 2000's: Deployed 1 (0/1 scale)

    Late 2000's: Deployed 1 (0/1/2 scale)

    2010's: 1000-1030 on the skank clock


    I watched one of my guys hit on an army nurse downrange in 03 that looked like Walter Matthau, and I was like "nice".

  4. Since you're a new guy...

    1. Ask to see the reg(s)

    2. Find the loophole...there's always a loophole

    3. Drink delicious craft beer

    1. Tell the club to ###### off

    2. See 1.


    Your Sq will also pressure you to use the club and their beer.

    This is like a flashback to 1986. Where does this actually still happen?

  5. I found it interesting that he admitted a grudge against the Air Force going into the SECDEF job. The spin is a bit much, but I also couldn't help but notice the standard "AF can do no wrong" approach taken by the author. Not surprising, considering the publication.


    Don't know if it's the same chapter or not, but:




    Besides the urge to punch that reporter in the throat...interesting interview. No fan of Gates but he makes a lot of the right noises there.

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