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Posts posted by QueepFactory

  1. Has anyone who took the 2nd round of VSP in 2014 heard about what needs to be done to receive a VSP W2?  Most of those in the 2nd offering received that pay in Jan 2015, therefore it was not reflected on our final Active Duty W2.  I still have a MyPay access password, but it does not list VSP W2's in the schedule.  

  2. Need FINANCE HELP.  I have a very specific situation that I'd love to get some input about.  I took the VSP from Active Duty 1 year ago and am starting to look at Guard / Reserve positions (currently in IRR).  During this 1 year, I have been approved for 60% VA disability, but instead of getting those paychecks, it has been required to be used for VSP payback....ie I won't see that money until ~2019.  My questions are:

    1.  Can I still join Guard / Reserve with VA Disability?  No permanent or duty restriction injuries..will pass all PFTs and physicals.  I have heard every answer under the sun on this and would love some facts vs. opinions.  One Guard unit told me anything over 15% disability would not be allowed in any guard / reserve unit.  NOTE:  15% disability doesn't exist, it's be 10% increments, so right there I don't see that as credible.  


    2.  If I can join, what I have seen online is that my VA Disability amount gets prorated based on the days I serve that year (can't double dip).  If that's true, how does this work for someone like me who isn't directly receiving VA money?  Should I expect my VSP payoff date to just be pushed out, thus delaying the time where I'll see VA money?  I find it hard to believe that someone in the VA and/or DOD is updating my account and allocating funds as they change.  I'm not sure if anyone else has ever been in this situation, but looking for some insight.  Thanks!     




  3. The money is taxed the year it is paid to you....unless you're a corporation or conduct the Irish two-step. That's why timing a PCS or DITY move voucher submission is crucial and in your control. Damn I should write a book on military fianace...at least the AF paid for my Master in Finance, maybe I can stretch it some more.

    Not sure this is correct. I know the USAF finance isn't the pinnacle of accuracy, but the way it was explained to me by them and a CPA is it all depends on how they account the funds. Those funds belong to 2014, but because of the delay in their paper pushing it won't arrive Dec 31. As goes the same for our final paycheck and leave sell back. Those funds belong in 2014 and will be on the 2014 W-2 even though they are arriving in 2015. I sure hope this is the case, but we will see when the paperwork arrives.

  4. Can anyone tell me why there are 90 posts cheering (and bitching) about the way we did, or will, regulate T Shirts and patches? People have even gone as far as hypothetically putting themselves in their Sq/cc or Wg/cc's shoes to develop fake emails or policies about this new rule. Thus creating the same circle of nonsense detail we have been brainwashed to think that we can't live without.

    You want my 2 cents on this uniform improvement?.........Cool.

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