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Posts posted by airlineflunky

  1. From the old folks home (airline flying), the F16 types complain about neck problems, the F15 types about lower back problems.

    Former bad arse studs of all backgrounds seem to nail themselves through various self inflicted actions.

    What I've learned? Never go up a ladder past 6' or operate a chainsaw with a ATP certificate past age 40.  Seems to be the greatest adversary. Thankfully the Guard/Reserve single seat accident numbers have dropped over the years. 10K number pilot group. It seemed the notices happened frequently years ago.

    Humor stories? Two airline pilots, a satellite dish installation, a metal ladder on a roof with some electrical feeder lines. I forgot the story, pretty much what you can imagine.

    Favorite (Of course might be Urban Legend) was one a pilot who was also "Mr. Safety". Well, almost. Said guy covered almost all bases for pressure cleaning his roof. A plan with a safety harness and safety ropes. One problem, it was FL without anything to anchor safety line on ground. Mmmmmmmmm, the bumper on the 6,000lb SUV in the driveway should work as he started cleaning past the roof peak opposite the driveway.

    You guessed it, the wife decided to drive the SUV to the Mall. Supposedly she figure it out and he only was dragged off the roof, down to the hedges and a short distance on the driveway. Goofball story for sure.


  2. It's an expensive piece of equipment that is basically fun to operate.

    The downside is no matter where it's located, and just like the civvy world, they operate 24/7 365 without any regard to birthdays, first bike rides, anniversaries, ect.

    Just covering the relationship side, zero knowledge of the job.

    Follow your dream. If you've gotten this far, don't start putting conditions on it for the wifey unless she is a heart suregeon making $700K/year.

    Unless your relationship is 1000 percent perfect (never have seen one and I've been married 25) the "held you back" feelings will come up in the future.

    Go for it.

  3. Wouldn't that be a airfield management problem?

    Not really. More like the SAM support crew and the two guys driving the 757.

    The plane was unoccupied. For me, that's kinda of a big clue for me personally. I wonder if the decison on parking and departing for a photo op took priority over common sense regarding jetblast issues.

    Then again, taking a 757 instead of a Gulfstream from Andrews to Long Island smacks of "who has the biggest toy" for Biden as he visited the rich liberals summering at the Hamptons.

    Pass the Pate and $3 Billion of "feel good" legislation :bash:

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