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Posts posted by SEA

  1. Constructive feedback, if you are not happy with a regulation or manual, I am certain there are processes available for you to make a recommendation to change it. Most of you seem to be junior officer or enlisted on here, if you are not sure of the change process, talk with your leadership. If you have with no success, move through your chain. If still no success, file an IG complaint. Relative to my normal work environment, a few of you sound like whiny babies with no legitimate complaints. It seems as if you have no direction or clue on how to fix or attempt to fix things.

  2. I'll agree to shaking your hand for honorable service (2 years or 30 years, whatever amount of time). I will not agree to whining with no real plan to make a difference. Giving a complaint without all the information or no reasonable solution is just complaining to complain and a waste of time. Now that I think about, conversing with fools doesn't make me a wise woman.

  3. I agree with the vast minority comment, but not on leaders, but on the stories in this group. I believe the vast minority of each story has some truth. I believe the problem with your AF is the entitlement your young pilots seem to have. "This is why I got out of AMC". A good leader would suck it up, try to make it to a position where you can make these changes. Instead you run and leave your "wingman" to endure. To the vast majority complaining on this forum, reflect on your own integrity and ask yourself what you can do to make it better instead of complaining on a public forum.

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