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Posts posted by Mario

  1. Did you apply in FY14? Mine has yet to be switched to the 1:1, but according to my ISR, I'll be grandfathered. At any rate, I'm going to ask the question when it comes time to sign the adsc, although it's not a deal breaker.

    Thanks for the reference...good poop. I should have pinned on bf the switch. Think that part of the reg applies to those that have switched bf pinning, after having been selected for promotion.

  2. It was something my ISR had me sign. 5k upon entering and 2.5k at 1st and 2nd anniversary, for 11 and 12 career fields only. This obligates you to a three year commit. He said they may change it before I enter the reserves officially in May, but I should be grandfathered in. Also, I signed up for the 3:1 PC, but since I did it in Dec 13 (FY14), and there's now a 1:1 pgm, I'll qualify for the 1:1. You may need to ask about this bonus, since he said not everyone knows about it, especially different units.

    One more thing. I'm scheduled to pin on Maj in April and leave in May. When ISR put me in the scroll in December (you need to press your ISR to do this as transferring to the reserves w/o a break in svc depends on it and normal process takes about 4 mos--don't need to be pc approved to do this, do it as soon as u submit ur app) they entered me as a Capt. This is a prob cuz if u get entered as a Capt, you'll be a Capt to start, even if the position authorizes a Major, according to ISR. BL, if ur expecting to make rank make sure to tell ur ISR, as there are a certain number of rank slots per time period and it may affect ur transition; can be a pain to change.

  3. Here's something like how my PC memo read: I am applying to palace chase for family reasons. I plan to work with xx unit (not necessary). I've truly enjoyed serving on active duty. Thank you for regarding this as the next step in my AF career.

    Also, my ISR had me sign up for a $10k reserve bonus they are awarding to reserve pilots. 3 yr commit in the reserves. Hadn't heard about this til yesterday. Signed up. GL!

  4. congrats, next stop?

    Have a job waiting and just focusing on out processing/moving/coording w unit in the next 90 days. My ISR has been difficult to deal with, so getting him to finish the 1288, scroll, etc. (supposedly i got put in the scroll mid-December). Thanks for all the info btw. My home of record is only 7 hrs from current location so trying to see if my unit will pay for all/remainder of the move. Since Im part of a detachment, it's prolly going to be a pain to out process. Also, supposed to pin on early apr and out in mid may so making sure rank transfers?

  5. Functional disapproved, not surprised one bit...They make recommendations only, SAF/PC is the final authority! GL!

    Thanks, FF. looks like they just opened up the 1:1 PC for our year group, '04. You think we'll qualify after-the-fact, since we both applied under traditional PC? Also, how long was your app up at SAF/PC before getting an answer? Thanks a million.

  6. '04 11M with PC app in the wickets. Asking for 18 months off of my ADSC; will keep you posted. Been approved by my Wg/CC, just up at PC Office and waiting for SAF. Unfortunately, submitted 2 weeks before FM measures released, but if denied will probably apply under VSP...Again. Have a job waiting in the Reserves. My idea was it's never too early to start applying, maybe you'll end up beating the exodus to the Reserves, so I started dropping apps a few months go. Best of luck, all.

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