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AF of 1

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Posts posted by AF of 1

  1. Bob at the ACP office actually answered the phone today. He said it will be released at 0800 Tuesday, I'm assuming East Coast time. He wouldn't give me any hints. I told him the bro network was saying $750k and a stripper in every cockpit, but no reaction*. For what it's worth. Guess we'll find out soon enough.

    *i may or may not have actually said that

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  2. I'm still holding out hope for a bigger bonus for AD... Three main reasons: the Navy put out their version in Feb an it had a few changes to it, so there's no reason the AF couldn't have done the same if it was carbon copy from last year.

    Secondly, last year's take rate among fighters and RPAs was lower than FY11 even with 50% up front.

    Lastly, most everyone I know in RPAs that is bonus eligible has already jumped ship and guys behind us are Palace Chasing like it's going out of style. The numbers will only be more dismal than last year especially since it's only 6-9 weeks til the end of the FY. So...the AF is seeing all of this too, right? Right??

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