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Posts posted by Lensatic

  1. What bites even more is that the National Football League is an unincorporated nonprofit 501(c )(6) association, meaning its league office is not subject to income tax because it does not make a profit. It considers itself a trade association made up of and financed by its 32 member teams.

    Each individual team (except the non-profit Green Bay Packers) is subject to tax because they make a profit...

    Not any longer: http://money.cnn.com/2015/04/28/news/companies/nfl-tax-exempt-status/


  2. These guys have been set up. These pictures will haunt them the rest of their (short) careers.

    At my Oklahoma high school in '67 or '68, they had a Mess (fill in the HS name) pageant for males in drag. The guy that won committed suicide before the 5th anniversary because of the ribbing he received. There was nothing ever vicious said, he was a nice and well liked guy, it just turned out to be what he was most remembered for and talked about.


  3. Man shoots armadillo with 9MM. Bullet ricochets and hits mother-in-law sitting in recliner in mobile home 100 yards away.

    Hmmm. A 9mm, double ricochet, 100 yards, through a trailer door (open I presume) hits his mother-in-law, in a recliner that is facing away from the door? I'm not buying it.

  4. You AF guys and your fixation with 100+ year old gun technology and open carry. :D Us Army guys like H&Ks concealed. Who's the bad guy going to target first? And who is going to put a round through his bean on the next shot? ;)

  5. Well, she came through for my neighbor. He built an airstrip on his land 3 years ago and applied to the FAA for a airport designator. They have ignored his emails and phone calls since then. He called MMc's office yesterday and got a call from the FAA at 0730 this morning giving him his designator. I've got to give her thumbs up for that.


    • Upvote 5
  6. "Sheeple" don't need to be reminded of anything.

    Yes they do. The Fort Hood massacre was called "workplace violence". Where was the outrage from the sheeple at that? A PH moves one to to the head of the medical care line.

    The video wasn't shown on the network shows, it was offered as a choice on their website. Don't want to watch it, don't watch it. Simple enough.

    If it was one of ours? Then it was one of ours. How about the Blackwater guys hanging from the bridge? Were they ours?

    It's a war. A dirty war. And we'd be advised to start fighting it. No lawyers allowed at any level and let the enemy determine the ROE.


  7. In my case (over 20 years in the U-2), I never paid much attention to looking up. Most of the flying was in the daytime, and looking up for much of a 10 hour flight is boring. Additionally, in a pressure suit, the helmet hurts the neck. I did see a few, but they were just moving lights. Now comets, that was different. Because most (95%) of the obscuring atmosphere is below you, that point of light with a very small and indistinct blur for a tail that you see from the ground is a very bright center with an enormously long and distinct tail. The most impressive was Kahotek (sp?) back in the mid-70s. That one was incredible...it covered half the sky!!

    Kohoutek was 1973 and a big flop here on the surface. Comet West was 1976 and, for a short time, was visible in daytime.


  8. It's safe to say that 95% of the people on this site went to SERE and they all saw first hand how telling white lies, half truths and information which only sounded right could save your bacon, give up nothing and waste enemy resources on wild goose chases.

    Gee, I don't recall that working since the SERE cadre knew the truth to begin with.

    And Wikipedia is hardly a go-to source for anything that you want to base policy or opinion on.


  9. Now I haven't read through the entire thing but on the surface things like water boarding, sleep deprecation, and cold baths don't fall under toture.

    Agreed. I think it's called SERE training. ;)

    As to the other part of your reply: perhaps. Immediate action response is dependant on the mobility of the Bad Guys. But, as in the (supposed*) case of UBL, his mobility was restricted and information gathered at a later date may have, and perhaps did, produce actionable intel.

    (*Supposed because we've seen no evidence whatsoever of his death. And yes, I do believe that he is dead.)

    There are interrogators and there are torturers. They are not, necessarily, the same.


  10. If we have the means to verify it, then it isn't exactly new intel.

    We are approaching this from different perspectives. As an Infantry soldier who just caught the bad guy who blew up my buddies, a gun to his balls when asking where the next IED is is fresh info. Now, he wants to be a martyr, not a eunuch. If he lies, I will know in a few minutes and he will be singing soprano at the next Eid celebration. If he tells the truth. . .he gets to hang out at Club Gitmo. Maybe.

    But, specifically to your quote above, it would verify if this guy is telling the truth in this one instance. Complicated, ain't it? ;)


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