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Posts posted by ISUHerc

  1. My RA is telling me that AF mission planning tables, that are countertop height, no longer exist......I've attempted a quick search of comerical vendors and short of custom builds it seems like no one makes these tables. How is it possible that the AF has thousands of these tables, but no clue where they came from?

    Has anyone worked with or purchased these tables recently?


  2. I am engaged and planning on getting married this summer on 13 August. I report to Vance AFB for SUPT on the 5 Aug, but I still need to complete IFT. Does anyone know the likelihood of the AF allowing me to take a Friday and Monday off for my wedding? Is it kosher to contact someone at Vance and "put in" my leave before I have it? I'm just a little lost on the protocol for this situation, and my detachment is all gone for the summer. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you

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