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Posts posted by EnriquePallazo

  1. That's so cool that you fly at 300', fly through mountain valleys, and go inverted in your trash can...

    As a senior captain...

    Let's remember what this thread is about, losing four fellow aviators, not dick measuring and trolling.

    Hacker: No they are not the chief pilot.

    Edit to answer Hacker's question.

  2. First the stupid rules article and now this:


    I'm sure Air Force Times has been trolling these boards, be on the look out for next weeks 12 page expose on De-Motivational Posters and the bio of a Spec Ops Fighter Pilot.

    No link to the article, you have to pay for it and I'm not buying that thing, anyone read it?

    Edit: Speeling

  3. Dip: Copenhagen. No Copenhagen? Copenhagen Long Cut

    This should have its own thread. I was a Cop man myself until my lip fell apart now I only do Skoal Mint.

  4. If anyone became jaded with the NHL it was the major networks and with only Versus carrying games (or some local networks) it's almost impossible for the fans that do want to watch, actually watch. I know a ton of dudes that have bought the NHL online thing and hook up their computers to their TV so they can watch games.

    I think it'll come back with time, but it won't be fast enough.

    I think the people who are the most jaded are the fans in Canada. Living in Winnipeg or Quebec City and seeing your teams move to the Southern US where no one cares would be terrible. That's all Bettman's fault, they need to contract some of the teams and let others move back to Canada. Why the league is against the Phoenix team move to Ontario is beyond me...

    Anyway Game Two starts soon, Go Pens.

  5. Yeah, I watched it and it was great. Being from Detroit, I was royally pissed over missing two years of Red Wings hockey. It sucks that you only get to see it nationwide during the Finals. The strike a few years ago certainly did not help the NHL's case.

    While the lockout sucked the stuff that came out of it really helped, it forced them to change the game. Hockey was boring in the late 90s thanks to the trap defense and the lack of scoring. After the lockout they did away with the two line pass rule, moved the blue lines, and created the trapezoid behind the net. All of which has helped the game be as exciting as it is today... Ohh, and Alex Ovechkin helps too.

    Edit: Forgot the best thing, they got rid of the unholy tie. Shootouts in the regular season are much better.

  6. Your list looks pretty good, they are assigning active duty guys to the 30th at Cheyenne to work with the guard.

    The pope guys are flying with guard guys as well.

    The duration of the school house can be from three months to eight months, depending on your assignment out of Corpus.

    The rumor I heard was that Dyess was next up for Js...

    Finally, relax, your going to Corpus, focus on finding a nice place on the island, drinking some margaritas, and enjoying Navy training.

  7. Only for the future P-3 guys I think. Not too many Hercs out there to vis-ID of ocean going ships.

    You still have the VFR recovery from the contact areas where you overfly the oil tankers going into the bay, if you wanted to do that sort of thing.

    Edit: Realized that it maybe hard to do a fingertip photo op when you are single ship, beer maybe effecting my judgment on that one.

  8. I'd go 31 just for the low-level/tac phase. In my class, all the guys from 35 said their IPs stuck to the route, everything by the book, and it sucked. In 31, however, once you demonstrate knowledge of the basics, most IPs just have fun, i.e. flying wherever the hell they/you want. Low-level in the 44 was by far the most fun I had in pilot training.

    2, The checkride route through the hill country is awesome.

    To answer stract, being in 35 doesn't change your chances of getting the MC/RC-12, because all of the studs in both 31 and 35 come together at their assignment meeting and pick what they want in NSS rank order.

  9. I got my RIP for Corpus the other day and saw I was going to VT-31 (which has the actual T-44). I've been told by some guys to try and get to VT-35 and do C-12s. Other than the obvious differences between the aircraft, is there and difference in training or benefits in trying to train in one over the other?

    I enjoyed my time in 31, there was some debate between the students about the squadrons, but honestly I don't think there was much of a difference in training.

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