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Herk Mafia

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Posts posted by Herk Mafia

  1. You won't be behind the LR dudes at all. It seemed we had an upper hand on them since we had more of a chance to deploy and do other real-world missions more often than the average LR bubba. You can be a bigger fish in a smaller pond at the TFI units especially if you work for the guard OG or WG/CCs since it is easier to get a decent strat from them than the CCD at LR which is next to impossible. Those play into your chances at getting a DP on your PRF come promotion time. I think the last board we had (mine) almost everyone got a DP and we had a school select (not me). I really think it is easier to be recognized for good work, but you can screw up and never recover so it goes both ways sts. Even though it is possible to get a school slot, your chances are waay better at one of the big bases.

    You won't be behind the LR dudes at all. It seemed we had an upper hand on them since we had more of a chance to deploy and do other real-world missions more often than the average LR bubba. You can be a bigger fish in a smaller pond at the TFI units especially if you work for the guard OG or WG/CCs since it is easier to get a decent strat from them than the CCD at LR which is next to impossible. Those play into your chances at getting a DP on your PRF come promotion time. I think the last board we had (mine) almost everyone got a DP and we had a school select (not me). I really think it is easier to be recognized for good work, but you can screw up and never recover so it goes both ways sts. Even though it is possible to get a school slot, your chances are waay better at one of the big bases.

  2. How do the jobs work within the squadron? Do AD guys take the exec-type positions and Guard guys take the cushier ones?

    So you work for a Guard CC, but you're assigned to the OG at LR? So when it comes to promotion, assignments, school, etc, you're competing against a bunch of dudes you're never met and odds are your ultimate rater has never met you either?

    Your Guard CC has OPCON over day-to-day missions. The AD CC has ADCON so he deals with all of your awards and promotions etc. So yes, you are competing with everyone under the 19 AW which includes all of the LR units, and the TFI units at Cheyenne, COS, and Keesler. You or your Sq/CC have to get creative if you want facetime with your senior rater when it comes time for promotion, otherwise you might not actually meet him face-to-face at any point by virtue of being at a GSU.

    As far as Sq jobs, the AD guys have their own duties like CCE/ADO/Tactics/Scheduling etc. The Guard also has their own folks in those shops. The AD and Guard Sq/CCs have offices right next to each other. So do the ADOs and DOs. When I left, the Guard did not really have a Sq/CCE (at least not a formal one), and they really felt they had no need for an OG/CCE, so an AD guy actually fills that spot. I did it for a while and really just ended up doing SQ-level CCE duties.

  3. For anyone who cares for a housing opinion. I would say the married guys were split 50/50 between Fort Collins/Wellington and Cheyenne. It seems that a majority of the single guys chose to live in FoCo which makes sense with the college right there and a bunch of cool bars. We (wife and son) lived in Wellington and we really liked it. It is nice to be close to FoCo without having to deal with the morning traffic and we hated Cheyenne itself so there wasn't a chance we were living there. It took me about 10 minutes to get to the bars in FoCo and about 25-30 minute commute to work during the work. It worked well for us. It was definitely a good deal assignment, but 4 years of that wind and snow was more than sufficient.

  4. Ops tempo & deployments should mirror what you would see in any other -130 AMC unit. Good deal for us is that ours are almost always 60 days vs. 120. New guys (CP type anyway) are usually gone on a 120 & a 60 day within their first year & a half, as a FAIP I'd probably expect to be on a pair of 60 day deployments within your first year or so. There are usually some good trips to be had aside from deployments, but mostly CONUS. If it's a really good deal it will be full of guard guys, unless the squadron has worked some drug deal directly with Little Rock.

    The entire TFI concept is convoluted & complex, but on the whole I'd say it's a good deal for most guys. It's a very good deal for brand new guys, a pretty good deal for 2nd assignment type guys, and a dick in the eye for anyone looking at a promotion board. Zero chance of getting a school slot if that's your cup of tea.

    Yeah, except you guys just had a school select on your last Major promotion board.

  5. You do it during the class - turn in 5 pages each week.

    Did they seem to actually care about the content or were they mostly checking on formatting and page count (like the rest of the classes). Thanks for the reply.

  6. I have finished all of the classes for the leadership concentration except the thesis. I was wondering about the thesis class (RE2) and how it is run. Are you expected to basically have the paper written prior to the class or is there time to knock it out in the 8 week time frame of the class?

  7. After my next assignment I am seriously thinking about getting out and joining the Memphis unit but I have heard some rumors about their planes. I was told they are having issues with funds for the AMP mods and might shut down. Have any of you heard anything like this? Thanks for the help.

  8. At LRF with 3 AMC squadrons worth of people, and no more E-Models in the AOR(Thanks Gen North) the rate had been slowing down before I left for the dark side. The J's were taking over the Deid and the rest of us bastards were up north. As a basic AC you were guaranteed to deploy every 6-8 Months, it just worked out that way, but on the positive side we were getting more TACC msns and some other fun stuff. Pedaler, since you're not even rated yet I have some Co-pilot buddies back at base x and could put you in touch with them and they could give you a heads up on what you are about to get yourself into.

    Anyways gotta go set up my Blues...

    cheers :beer:

    You sure about that one?

  9. We earned our wings. At graduation did they hand you a flight suit or a pair of wings?

    There are a lot of folks who aren't rated yet still prance around in flight suits. You should take solace in knowing that your name tag has something they only had wet dreams wishing they earned.

    If there's no chance you'll be flying for a 2-3 staff tour then why do you need a flight suit? Grab your ABUs and blouse the boots.

    This is how I feel when people b1tch about space/missile folks wearing flight suits. I dont mind at all because when people on base ask what I do, I get to say Im a pilot and no one thinks twice about why I am in a bag.

  10. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    I'm trying to keep it simple for the masses. I should have hacked a watch to see how long it would take for someone to call me on a performance manual problem. You are correct, though.

    The KC-135 community...Creating ass-pain for ourselves in the form of obscure TOLD problems and idiotic EP questions since 1957. :bash:

    I think that goes for the entire heavy community.

  11. - BQZip01

    buddy, guy, friend, palooka - I don't even know where to start...unfortunately I have plenty of free time on hand today.

    Please try and learn something from this instead of just blowing it off because someone is critiquing you.

    No one here is impressed. We're at war. 12 hours is the standard.

    Again. Geography has nothing to do with position on the spear. Barksdale can be the pointie end. You might want to re-evaluate your role-importance-decision-making paradigm. The 'Deid is everything from the pointie end of the spear to the weapons locker that holds the spear.

    The fact that your were driving your O-6 CC's car has no bearing on traffic laws...but it is quite telling that you included it and found it to be important. Here's a hint. RANK HAS NO BEARING ON LAW. Be it traffic laws or LOAC...the law is the law. Period.

    So you're saying that you saw the cop and didn't double-check your driving. Poor SA.

    Remember that whole rank and laws thing? Apply here. Technically, the airman basic cop outranks a 4 star driver by one rank during any traffic stop or at any checkpoint...look it up.

    Yet another very telling quote. I'm really glad you gave 40% of your attention while driving your bosses car. If you really see SF as cannon fodder, I respectfully request that you go spend some quality time down at the cop shop. Until then, know that cops are some of the most overworked and under-appreciated jobs in the AF.

    Good work on not getting up in arms during the traffic stop and letting the upper levels deal with it. That's how it should work when stuff goes wrong at the lower levels.

    As for your entire other story...granted common sense is supposed to rule...but you've got to know that checking the box in front of Desk SSgt will never work...that's why we as aircrew preach this little thing called by: "attention to detail" Maybe some other career fields should take that to heart.

    As for taking care of stupid people making excessive decisions at the lower levels, that's where the crew-dog concept should be understood AF wide. Example.

    In the desert recently with my crew. Me and my crew member are in the gym lifting weights.

    - My crew member is making some excessive noise when he sets down a heavy set of weights during one of his exercise.

    - 2 services A1Cs tell him to stop...he response emotionally (mistake 1)...then they respond emotionally (mistake 2)

    - The services NCOIC and I get involved - send the fighters to their corners - and work out the problem right then and there. The long and short was that the Services dudes had O-6s breathing down their neck about weightlifting injuries and people making too much noise in the gym. (we'll leave the judgment of the O-6s out of this argument...but all parties disagreed with the O-6 opinion in the matter...irregardless...the O-6 gave a lawful order and services was following it)

    - That we took the time to understand each other's point of view at the Capt to TSgt level saved my crew member from being banned from the gym getting paperwork (O-6's rule).

    THAT is the crew-dog concept. People need to know that VERY RARELY are Captains and TSgts out to hose each other. VERY OFTEN they are each trying to save their own ass and aren't willing to take 5 minutes to listen to the other side of the story. One person calling KIO and taking the emotions out of the situation can save a LOT of pain...especially in the desert where everyone suffers from SRH (sperm retention headaches).

    BL: Know your role in the system. When in doubt, there's Common Sense and the Crew-dog Concept: USE THEM!

    Wow...so this is what it feels like to be HerkDerka...I think I'm developing carpal-tunnel.



    Did you just use irregardless?

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