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Posts posted by Bones19

  1. I suppose I shouldn't hold my breath for a finance specialist, since that seems to be the larger issue for most folks than MPF...but may "administrative operations manager" will cover that sort of thing.

    Dude that ship sailed with the advent of DTS and there is no way to un###### it. Although the epic failure of the CSA cards may have opened some eyes to how broken that system is...but probably not.

  2. I was hoping to get some more info on the B-1. Dyess vs. Ellsworth in particular. I've heard that Ellsworth is definitely better for outdoors stuff which sounds way better for me but looking at a map there doesn't seem to be much around there for the wife to do (she's not much of an outdoor adventure person). I've never been to Abilene, just how bad is it?

    Rockchalk, if you are FTU bound...there is no decision...try to get to Ellsworth. It is 1000% more focused on tactics and is a way better place for a young guy. The MX and sortie rates are demosntrably better in the Tigers and TBirds. If Texas is your kind of place and you stick around long enough, you'll end up there anyway. So go to South Dakota. There's plenty to do in Rapid. Abilene will be waiting like a giant vacuum of suck to bring you back anyway

    • Upvote 1
  3. the 1994 law expired in 2004 (which wasn't that long ago) & the gun grabbers tried hard to make it permanent. I'm sure they'll try to disarm us again soon. Your argument is a failure.

    Right, my argument is that the "gun grabbers" are a minority. They didn't get it out of committee in 2007-2009 with a democratically controlled House and a slight majority in the Senate.

    And there has been no attempt by this President to "grab" for anyone's guns. In fact, he's made more news for gun RUNNING than gun GRABBING.

  4. I'm always curious if this is direct response to the shooting or the anticipation that guns laws are going to get more restrictive after somthing like this happens.

    I love how the argument on the gun lobby side is always "Better arm up, they're coming for our guns" when no one has even attempted a meaningful gun control law since 1994 assault weapons ban expired.

    Paranoia is alive and well...

    • Upvote 1
  5. Wow...just wow...probably a Q3 and an FEB but not dereliction of duty UCMJ punishment. No CC anywhere in his chain willing to stand up and fight for him based on his previous track record?

    Just another line to add to the dear boss, I quit letter. Gen Welsh can't fix the type of person that gets through the wickets to O-6 and beyond that practices Cover My Ass leadership over anything else.

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