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Posts posted by Smitty3187

  1. I want to know how the A-10s that weren't in theater at Day 0 are going to get to staging bases with limited tanker assets. Also, what bases are they going to be based at? The ones near the front will likely be unusable, and the ones far away severely limit time on station. How are they going to survive in an environment where US air dominance is not a given.

    A-10s can land on dirt strips...
  2. Gen Hostage, ACC Commander:
    “It appears that I will be told I have to continue to purchase F-35s, and given the budget picture that we have, I cannot afford both the A-10 and the F-35,” the Air Combat Command leader said. “What that means is that we are going to have to spend buckets of money to get the F-35 up to some semblance of capability that the A-10 currently has. It is going to cost a lot of money and it is going to take time, and as I lose the A-10 fleet, I now have a fleet that won't be operationally capable for many years that is not a very useful CAS platform in a contested environment.”

    It appears if you swap in A-10 and F-35 into this statement you also see the reality of that situation that no one at the top will acknowledge.

  3. All this talk about the F-35B providing CAS for the Marines... I fail to see how being able to drop a JDAM is CAS. That does not provide a complete CAS solution. What happens when you run into a TIC inside 95m? Is that when you slap on the gun pod? Good luck employing close to friendlies without a HUD.

  4. Hey, here is some good news, pages of regulation regarding governing the healthcare of Americans has topped 11.5 MILLION pages. Healthcare for all will certainly be better now.


    Let's not get too carried away... the article says 11.5 million words ... only about 10,000 pages for your reading pleasure.

    Watch it.

    17% growth this year on my IRA, 10% on TSP due to his advice.

    Simple math on OCare, it is terrible, it will fail.

    29% growth on TSP without his advice...

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