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Posts posted by Edwarkl

  1. Well I actually will not be going back to the same place afterwards. We will be moving to where he will be based at which is in a different city so I'll be applying to the children's hospital in that city. So it was either leave a year early or wait it out. My thing is I do have times where I can get a week off at a time but if he is to busy if I was to move there to do much, I feel like it would be worse if I was visiting. I don't know though. You can see I'm kinda biased towards going as of now. But the comments really do help and give me more to think about.

    At first I was going to suggest that you stay put, but since you are not returning to your current location I suggest going with him. I did not go to UPT with my boyfriend (now husband) but he was about 4 hours away and I saw him almost every weekend. It worked out fine for us, but it would have been nice to be there too. My main decision driver is my career. I'm in marketing so I need consistency and advancement with good companies to achieve my goals. I think nursing might be a little different.

    Don't count on being able to find a job at his pilot training location though. You might want to consider if you can financially handle not working. My husband was in UPT about 10 years ago and he was able to live off base at Columbus after the first 6 months. If you all are interested in eventually getting married it would be a lot easier if you moved that up. Like someone else said you can just do a JOP wedding and plan the big one later. I know many people who have done this including myself. You will be able to live together and have easier access to base. I'm pretty sure he can live with you off base no matter what but he just won't get BAH because he'll have a place on base. You might want to look into that.

    He will also be very busy so you will probably want to be able to meet up with the other spouses for social events. It's not impossible to do so as a civilian though. You would just need someone to sponsor you on.

    So, I think you should go if you can handle it financially and are not worried about not having easy access to the base. However, I might suggest waiting a little bit. If things are still the same as they were 10 years ago the second half of UPT is a little less demanding and he might be able to collect BAH and live off base. Do you know what type of plane he will fly?

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