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Posts posted by irishtiger

  1. bumping this back up.

    "irishtiger" did you get anywhere with your attempts to get a waiver?

    I have 2 or 3 small spots on my hands, identified by an AF Determatologist, they perscribed a steriod cream which did nothing for me so I stopped using it. I use an over the counter lotion once a day or so if I'm in the water frequently and it flares. This just appeared on me in the last 2 years and I don't understand why now and what triggered it. Also is all eczema subjective with no test?

    I was notified yesterday that I my appointment for an FC1 was cancelled and I was DQ'd (no paperwork yet). Where should I go from here? Civilian Dr? Medical at my Sq?

    I don't know how to quote you, but I actually thought that was my post...I just got the cancellation notice for FC1 as well. So ya, got through MEPS and swore in, and now on hold again. I'm in the same boat as you. I'll ask about submitting the waiver consideration...although I already have a waiver from MEPS...so...if you make any progress, please keep me informed (PM is fine). I've got such a mild case it isn't noticeable and I'm kicking myself for checking the box.

    Thanks and good luck.

  2. Hey everyone-I have a mild case of eczema and have not had a prescription in about a decade. Waiver request was declined through NGB, can not go to MEPS, no further paperwork required. The letter didn't say much more.

    Can anyone help me understand my options at this point? Is an ETP relevant?

    I'm local to Andrews; would a visit help? Is there any way to get an exam?

    I almost always have a dime sized visible patch somewhere on my hand or I wouldn't have declared it, but I expect even a mediocre doctor could have identified it...couldn't justify withholding info up front and digging myself a hole.

    I'm not ready to throw in the towel after all the effort invested in getting selected for UPT. I'd take a non flying position if I could enlist just to serve. :(

    PM is welcome but a discussion here may help someone else. I found only discussions about vision; wonder if I can elect to take the smallpox vaccine and request again.


  3. Want to reiterate what a few others have said - the Barron's guide is a game changer. And, time your practice tests. The Barron's guide has a few - I took one not on the clock and one on the clock and it's no joke a quick exam.

    Maybe it's been said before, but there's an online suite of tests here (hope the link works): http://www.nelnetsolutions.com/dod/DODHubPage.aspx?sponsor=12894&HubPage=10064

    My recruiter said I was ok to register even though I was civilian at the time.

    Lastly, I think the test specifically had us sign a non disclosure (this goes for TBAS as well). Maybe the format changes (does it?) because too many people discuss the specifics? My copy was many years old (tested in fall 2011) so I don't think it changes often. Everything you need to know is in the Barron's book.

    For what it's worth, my scores were good enough to get a UPT slot and I only had two hours flight time when I tested. I could barely read an attitude indicator before, so obviously the Barron's book was a big help. Push your test date back, if possible, if you're not prepared...you only get two chances. Good luck. PM if I can help.

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