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Cliff Clavin

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Posts posted by Cliff Clavin

  1. I'll pile on to the numerous positive reviews of Trident.  

    I gave Jon a call based solely on the reviews here, and that turned out to be a great decision.  We did a VA IRRRL that brought our rate down from 4.25 to 3.25.  Total savings about $150 a month, or 90K over the life of the loan.  From first call to closing was less than 30 days and much simpler than the initial purchase.  Paperwork required was minimal and minus a few phone calls here and there, the process was pretty hands off for me.  Jon is a total bro, he'll give you the honest answer and not try to sell you on a loan you don't need.  Above all, he gives a hoot about giving you the best deal because he's one of us.  Bri worked the paperwork and numbers, and she's got some of the best customer service I've seen anywhere.  She worked diligently at getting the title company to get their ducks in a row, including evenings and weekends.    

    Make Jon and Trident your first call for a home loan.  I know I will from here on out.  


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  2. I've heard that dudes showing up to KBAD from UPT are being told to pump their brakes and head on out to MC-12 training. I know some AD B-52 guys that have gotten picked up for the Liberty, but I was unaware they were doing this for recent UPT grads. Any truth to this?

    I know of that happening to one guy about 18 months ago but beyond that single incident, I haven't heard about any more.

  3. Where did the two U-28 studs stand in their class? I ask because I am interested in this aircraft.

    I can't speak to 13-10, but I've seen both top notch guys get U-28 and middle of the road guys get U-28. All depends on your class and what the folks want. Bottom line is do the best you can in every phase, don't be the dick who won't help others out, and don't do anything stupid. It usually works out ok.

    • Upvote 1
  4. https://www.dropbox....xuqj/Drops.xlsx

    New guy checking in,

    Above is a link to an excel file that documents all of the drops since Pensacola opened and that have been posted in this thread. The accuracy of the information is only as good as the information posted here and my ability to collect it on a sleepless night. If you spot an error, let me know and i'll gladly update the file.

    You must have a lot of time on your hands. My class, 12-11, is almost correct. We had an MC EWO and a BUFF EWO. Also, something to consider is that prior to the late late FY 12 classes, the B-52 folks didn't find out crew position until after graduation, some as late as reporting to KBAD. The percentages may be skewed heavily towards NAV when there are definitely EWO students coming through the pipe currently.

    That being said, good work. I'm sure you'll answer a lot of questions for folks coming thru UNT with the spreadsheet.

  5. http://www.reuters.c...E9320YQ20130403

    US sends missile defense to Guam just in case they can actually reach us there.

    Really? Large, okay. Well trained and well equipped? I highly doubt that. Country full of crazies willing to attack with whatever crap they can get their hands on? Ok, I'll agree with you there.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

    Though I do agree that they're not as strong as they'd have the world believe, it's never a bad idea to respect your adversary and his capabilities, IMHO.

  6. Not trying to pit the Buff against the Bone but why isn't the Buff gettting the ax?

    The B-1 seems more survivalble and capable with the sniper upgrade...

    Triad. Readiness rates. Upgrades coming down the pipe for the BUFF to keep it relevant and lethal well past our careers, including the bay, pod, radar, and finally getting some digital communications capability. But, of course, I'm biased. I don't think you'll see either get the ax.

  7. ^If that replaced the Yoko, then I defintely missed out. All the C-walking I would have done in my container would have been one hell of a morale booster.

    I don't think it replaced Yoko, they just changed up the track. Who else could create so many annoying songs perfect for such an application? This Yoko track is the one I remember, current as of last year.

  8. 13-04 Drop:

    - E-8

    - 3X F-15E

    - RC-135 (1 Nav, 1 EWO)

    - 3x U-28

    - C-130H Elmendorf

    - MC-130 Hurlburt

    - E-3 Tinker

    - KC-135

    - B-52 Nav

    - AC-130 Nav Hurlburt

    - C-130 NYANG

    Not sure why 13-02 and 13-03 weren't posted.

    Looks like a good drop! Were most folks happy?

  9. North Korea Carries Out Controversial Rocket Launch

    Hong Kong (CNN) -- North Korea surprised the international community Wednesday by launching a long-range rocket just days after suggesting it would be delayed, South Korea's Ministry of Defense said.

    "Shortly after the liftoff, Aegis radar system in the Yellow Sea detected the move," a senior military official was quoted by South Korea's semi-official Yonhap press agency as saying. Yonhap added that President Lee Myung-bak has convened an emergency security meeting in Seoul.

    The Japanese government confirmed to CNN by phone that it took place at 9.49 a.m. local time and passed over the island of Okinawa, though no action was taken to shoot it down. It said parts of the three-stage rocket came down in the sea off the Korean Peninsula, with another part dropping into the sea near the Philippines.

    Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura told reporters at a press conference in Tokyo that Japan had demanded restraint from Pyongyang and that "it is extremely regrettable that North Korea forced the launch despite our protest. It is not acceptable and we strongly protest against it."

    Wednesday's news comes as a surprise after North Korea announced Monday that it was extending the launch window into late December, citing technical issues in an engine. On Tuesday, satellite images purportedly showed the rocket being moved from the launch pad, Yonhap said.

    The test has been widely condemned by other countries like the United States and South Korea, which say it is a cover for testing ballistic missile technology. The North insists the launch is aimed at putting a scientific satellite into orbit.

    When it announced its plans on December 1, the reclusive North Korean regime said it intended to carry out the launch between Monday and December 22. But on Saturday, the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said the launch could be delayed.

    In a new article Monday, KCNA reported that scientists and technicians had "found technical deficiency in the first-stage control engine module of the rocket," citing a spokesman for the Korean Committee of Space Technology.

    Previous launch attempts by the North in 2006 and 2009 also failed to achieve their stated goal of putting a satellite into orbit and provoked international condemnation.

    Pyongyang has said the planned rocket launch would be "true to the behests" of Kim Jong Il, the late North Korean leader and father of Kim Jong Un, head of the ruling regime.

    Kim Jong Il died on December 17 last year, so the first anniversary of his death falls within the launch window that North Korea has announced.

    Experts also speculate that Pyongyang wants this launch to happen before the end of 2012, the year that marks the centenary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, the founder of North Korea and grandfather of Kim Jong Un.


  10. 12-11's Drop:

    4x B-52

    2x B-1

    3x F-15E

    1x EC-130 (NAV)

    2x KC-135

    4x C-130 (2 Little Rock, 1 Peterson, 1 Yokota)

    4x RC-135 (2 EWO, 2 NAV)

    1x U-28

    2x MC-130 (1 Kadena EWO, 1 Guard Duke Field EWO)

    Most of the class got their first or second choice. We were all pretty pleased.

    • Upvote 1
  11. YMMV since I'm not a pilot, but I was granted a depth perception waiver for CSO a few years ago when I was going through the process. The process was long and included several trips to the nearest flight medicine clinic and then eventually Brooks for an evaluation. If you've got any questions, feel free to PM me. Best of luck with it. Keep your head up.

  12. 'Merica (aka class 12-07) drop:


    F-15 X3


    C-130 (Res)


    B-52 X4

    U-28 X3

    AC-130 x2 (one nav, one ewo, both Cannon)

    MC-130J (Cannon)

    C-130 x2(Guard)

    C-130 x5 (including one to Elmo and one to Yakota)


    LC-130 (Guard)

    HC-130 (Me, Moody)

    Many people got their top choices or close to it. To my knowledge only the JSTARS guy was disappointed.

    Nice drop!

    If you go by the projected/expected figures that the CC told us for FY12, then that's it for the JSTARS until 13-01. Anyone know if that sort of projection is often accurate anyway? In that same vein, if those numbers are legit, they've still got to drop close to 20 HC's.

  13. Mustaches are alive and well here in Pensacola. We received an email a few days ago about a "Best Mustache Competition" that will be decided upon at the end of the month at Hooters, of all places. Judging to be done by Hooters girls? One would hope. The winner gets a plaque with his name and a photo of his prize winning mustache displayed in the 451 FTS bar from now until forever. Sounds like a good idea to me.

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  14. I'm in UNT now and my wife is a nurse too. Jobs are easy to find for the nurse types down here. She got hired during her first interview due to the need for nurses here and the fact she had a BSN as opposed to the standard AN, so if your spouse has a BSN she'll be sitting pretty. There are 3 hospitals, plus Navy Hospital and boatloads of clinics and doctors offices. She'll find something easy, man. From where we are out the back gate, my wife drives 20 minutes to her job on the NW side of town, which is pretty good since she only works 3-4 days a week anyway.

    If you have anything specific, or want to put your wife in contact with mine, get at me.

  15. I'm about halfway through UCT right now and I can't get behind anyone undertaking anything else academically while in training. During the primary phase, more than half of your days be 12 hours in length followed by 3-5 hours of study and preparation for the next day's flights. Advanced seems worse than that thus far since you begin in a simulator and the 12 hour crew rest doesn't apply. Personally, the advanced phase sims have given me a schedule of 0430-1800 and then more studying when you come home. There will be days in advanced where your only time not doing something training related will be the 4 hours of sleep you get at night and the 1 hour you spend at the gym so that you don't go insane.

    You'll need some time on weekends to blow off steam and if you're married to remind your wife that you are still living in the same house.

    I wouldn't recommend it for sure, buddy. But whatever you decide, good luck.

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