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Wandering Dog

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Posts posted by Wandering Dog

  1. So, we can joke about killing American civilians, but joking about killing American soldiers is just wrong.

    In case anyone had questions about our values, please, look no further.

  2. Okay, let me put it this way. You're an airliner manufacturer with a finite R&D budget. You want to build an airliner that people will buy. Do you spend the lions share of your budget on making fuel efficient, lightweight aircraft, possibly even using alternative energy sources, at a time when fuel costs are perpetually rising, or do you undertake a massive, costly, and risky project on eliminating pilots from the cockpit, which may or may not pan out with regards to the flying public, while your competitors are also focusing on fuel costs and eating up your market share?

    Do you seriously believe there's any realistic scenario in the future in which that investment will be worth the payoff? With the upward trending price of oil and fuel costs being the vast majority of operating expenses for an airline?

    Anyone can just say "oh yeah it'll happen someday because the FUTURE!". But if you actually sit down and think about how that situation would possibly play out, it becomes less and less plausible.

    Yeah, because if there's one phrase to describe military aerospace R&D funding in the 50s, it's "cash strapped".

    Now that I think about it, it is possible, and even probable, that a remotely piloted airliner can happen, but if and only if we come up with a cheap energy solution to power aircraft engines. But that's a pretty ######ing big "if".

    I'm guessing the changes will be incremental and unrelated to the airline industry until both sides of the equations meet. I don't think anyone here was talking about a crash research program and I don't think people are saying "The FUTURE!" either. Generational change is required culturally, not to mention everything else.

  3. It may not be our generation, but if people grow up with automation, they will accept it. The folks on here saying "it ain't gonna happen, human beings can't fly, boy" will be long dead by then, we probably will too. But there is no reason to train human beings if you can manufacture all the aviators on the planet for 1/10^10 of the cost. Its science.


    • Upvote 1
  4. Congratulations, anus so tight when you fart only dogs can hear it man!

    FYI, that wasn't sarcasm. Some of the flight planning I've seen from TACC rivals that of my daughters finger painting (re: filed directly through the eye of a typhoon). I imagine Jeppesen could produce a far superior product.

    Grass is greener dude. Be thankful for the infrastructure you have, in this case someone doing a big part of your job for you. If you want to do it yourself, join AFSOC.

  5. Keep in mind you may someday be in her position (hopefully not), but at any rate, try to avoid trashing the place. I recently rented a house to a tenant who decided she doesn't need to pay rent, and it's a pain in the ass to go through the eviction process.

  6. Good read.

    I still think my buddy had it right when he said:

    "All we need to do is build hot robot women that ###### like wild animals, and airdrop them into every shit-hole in the world. Because its easy to go crazy, when all you have to ###### are goats."

    But whoever is making them has got to hurry up and get a better looking prototype than this:


  7. Rumors about shutting down half the NSAv light mission at Cannon and moving the other half to Florida. Removing the contract mx to save $$ was mentioned as well. There may be ~100 pilots AFSOC will have to relocate, I'm assuming they'll push most of them to UAV's or U-28's.

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