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Posts posted by DUNBAR

  1. Lots of great insights, Dirk.  I think where we will agree to disagree is:

    1.  I suspect this will hurt our long-term national security more than we want to admit.  Securing the cooperation of NATO partners and regional partners in peacekeeping operations and small-to-mid-scale conflicts is going to be more challenging.  This was a truly embarrassing sequence of events, and our friends and allies are giving us a well-deserved WTF.  Can you imagine trying to depose the next Saddam or Al Qaeda?  "Hey!  Who's with us?  France?  Brits?  Canada?  C'mon everybody!  Follow us!  Guys?  Hello?"

    2. I harbor no illusions a president will ever resign (unless the impeachment votes are there).  But I do wonder how catastrophic something can be before Senators and Congressmen gently nudge a president out the door.  

    3.  I certainly don't expect our government to know exactly where every American is or was in a place like AFG, but if you followed the numbers coming from the administration, it was borderline absurd.  How many Americans were there in mid-August?  4,000?  8,000?  12,000?  Who the heck knows?

    4.  I don't believe this failure is comparable to Pearl Harbor, or Desert One, or Beirut, or any of the others.  So many of those were diabolical surprise attacks, or immediate, short-term military setbacks.  AFG was such a series of appalling failures that it's little wonder the conservative blogosphere is half-jokingly accusing the administration of working directly for China.  This was simply horrible.

    In the end, though, history never seems to follow that predictable, logical arc we expect it to.

    • Upvote 3
  2. 48 minutes ago, Waingro said:

    Oh, I'm not arguing this was well executed. It's just that I'm more surprised that people are coming out of the woodwork to feign horror about this, when they were just fine with us freeing the leader of the Taliban and then inviting them to Camp David for cookies. We more or less agreed to hand the country over - poorly executed, yes, but where was the pearl clutching when we set this in motion well over a year ago?

    Point taken.  I'm not trying to be adversarial; you are correct that this was always going to be a horrific band-aid to tear off.  But holy sh!t.  This did not have to be like this.

    • Upvote 6
  3. 1 hour ago, Waingro said:

    Weird how? When we freed the leader of the Taliban, then invited them to Camp David to discuss the transfer, you were expecting some other outcome? Without dumping tens of thousands back into Afghanistan, to augment the 2,500 we started the year with, I don't see that this was going to end any other way.

    I find it weird that we accept the fact that we're allegedly the world hyperpower, and the Taliban are the ones giving all the orders.

    I find it weird that the withdrawal was planned in such an appallingly catastrophic fashion.

    I find it weird that the administration was absolutely obsessed with meeting some meaningless deadline.

    I find it weird that no one can seem to nail down how many Americans were in Afghanistan, how many were airlifted, and how many were truly left behind.

    I find it weird that the Taliban allegedly offered us the opportunity to police and secure Kabul, and we said, "No thanks."

    I find it weird that leaving any number of Americans behind is acceptable to this administration.

    I find it weird that so little effort was made to disable or destroy the military hardware left behind.

    I find it weird that we seemingly made so little effort to prioritize American evacuees ahead of Afghanis.

    I find it weird that a presidential administration could survive this calamity.  

    I find it weird that the administration claims they had no inkling the AFG government would collapse in this manner, but that is constantly being proven false.

    I find it weird that the President told the press we are not leaving until every American who wants to leave is airlifted, and today...meh.  What can you do?  Americans are stranded overseas all the time.

    I find it weird (no offense meant) that people like you think there is nothing weird about all of this.

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    • Upvote 8
  4. I am trying to find some sliver of optimism in all of this catastrophe.  Is this our "Suez moment?"

    If I wanted to be an optimist, I guess we can say few things were more humiliating than Saigon, but less than 20 years later, the Soviet Union was dead, Saddaam was spanked, and they had to coin a new phrase since "superpower" didn't seem adequate - "hyperpower."

    Similarly, Yorktown must have been pretty humiliating for the Brits back in the 1780s, but they had a helluva good run for the next 170 years or so.

    But man, oh man.  I am racking my brains to try and find a more horrific month for American prestige and national security.  I honestly think it's worse than Pearl Harbor, because AFG was so self-inflicted, and Japan was a helluva lot more formidable than goat herders yearning to live in the 7th century.  I guess it doesn't quite rise to the torching of Wash DC during the War of 1812, or the Union incompetence circa 1862, but this is all absolutely unbelievable.

    If all this somehow puts the brakes on wokey wokey wokiness/defund the police/COVID tyranny/southern border/$3.5T "infrastructure" bills, as the left's appalling incompetence and callousness becomes obvious and indisputable, and "orange man bad" starts to ring really, really hollow, then at least that's something.

    • Upvote 5
  5. It's being reported the State Department intended to charge evacuees >$2K each, and only scrapped the plan after being met with collective outrage.

    I am just living in the Twilight Zone now.  How pathetic, incomprehensible, and incompetent can these people be?  What the f&%k is going on?

    • Upvote 1
  6. I think the Hitler videos are best suited for the Dallas Cowboys losing or someone not getting a AUAB BPC dorm room.  Not for something of this magnitude.

    Are there "Hitler finds out the World Trade Center was destroyed and 3,000 people are dead" videos?  I guess there are.




  7. The more I observe the news media and their minimal interest on this topic, the more I'm convinced the answer is a resounding "option C", and everybody knows it.  I suspect arrangements have already been made for colossal and astounding ransom payments.

    But that's just pure speculation on my part.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, DUNBAR said:

    Why am I getting the feeling that, regarding American humiliation, the next few weeks are going to be worse than 9/11, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, and Saigon '75 combined? x10?

    Ah, yes.  The infamous, rarely-employed self-quote.

    Seriously.  Someone intelligent please walk me through the possibilities.  How do we evacuate 10-15K Americans?  Here is what I can muster, along with my own half-assed probabilities.

    A.  The Taliban permits unfettered, free access to the airport.  Perhaps they are tired as hell after living in caves and dodging airstrikes for 20 years.  Perhaps they think an international show of goodwill will be more valuable in the long run.  Perhaps they consider it even more humiliating for America if the Taliban takes the high road.  

    Probability: 10%

    B.  Biden and company watch a Clint Eastwood or George C Scott movie, grow a pair, and get the fever.  They announce if Americans are harmed, we're bringing back the Rangers, the Marines, and more B-f^cking-52s than you thought possible.  Rules of engagement: Anyone with a beard and old-timey clothes gets killed.  If some non-Taliban get caught up in it, well, they threw down their arms and basically joined the Taliban.  Oh well.

    Probability: 5%

    C.   More C-17s filled with gold bullion, weapons, and ammo then you thought possible.  The Taliban publicly announce that any nation that can spend $3.5 trillion on "infrastructure" can easily pay $10M per hostage.  The ransom is paid secretly, or publicly.

    Probability: 55%

    D.  Weeks and months of the worst humiliation imaginable.  Woman and girls become "brides."  Forced religious conversions.  Decapitations.  Torture.

    Probability: 10%

    E. Weeks and months of gruesome house-to-house fighting.  Thousands of civilian casualties, both Afghani and American.

    Probability: 20%

    What am I missing?


    • Like 3
  9. Just now, ClearedHot said:

    As a counter to Brian Williams a former CIA analyst pushes back on the POTUS speech and his narrative placing all the blame at the feet of the Afghan Army.  While I agree they should fight for their own country and certainly not an excuse for the rapid capitulation of the Afghan Army but some context at least to what they faced.  As an example the Afghan Army took more losses every year than we did in 20, they were rarely paid, barely fed (except by us), and in general not properly supported by their government. 




  10. 31 minutes ago, dogfish78 said:

    LMFAO. "Please be patient and allow 8 to 12 business days for your Repatriation Assistance Request form to be considered. All decisions are final. Thank you for paying your taxes." - U.S. Afghanistan Embassy, probably

    This keeps getting more hilarious. It's HAPPENING.

    Good lord.  The only thing missing in the instructions is the requirement for a negative COVID test.

    • Like 1
  11. As a total REMF who could recite the AUAB DFAC menu back in the day, I've always felt a little unworthy speaking up about AFG.  I've barely set foot there, and never outside Bagram.  So I respectfully defer to all those who genuinely expended their blood, sweat and tears for years in that God-forsaken landscape trying to train the locals and make something out of nothing.

    I have a hard time believing, however, that somewhere, somehow, there wasn't a better COA than this.  I want to believe that with approx 10K troops and a few fighter squadrons, we could have held Kabul/Bagram and a few cities in perpetuity as a sanctuary for those who didn't want to live under these lunatics, especially the women.  Yeah, being there forever sucks, and it's expensive, but there's a lot to be said for having a huge spec ops footprint right there in the belly of the beast.

    I guess if the Taliban realized we didn't intend to leave, however, the last few years would have looked a lot different.


    • Upvote 4
  12. 33 minutes ago, Prozac said:

    Feature Article: Long-term Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccine? What We Know.


    Interesting quote from the article: 

    According to the Center for Countering Digital Hate, professional anti-vaccine activists organized a meeting in the fall of 2020 to create messaging that would decrease acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines once available. These organized efforts aim to move people to extreme positions about vaccines — that is to say, from having legitimate questions about vaccines to becoming “anti-vaccine,” refusing all vaccines and believing conspiracy theories and false narratives. In some cases, individuals in these groups do not believe the science, and in other cases, they are seeking to profit from this hesitancy by encouraging the use of other products to “protect” against COVID-19.

    Actual footage of the professional anti-vaccine activists.  (professionals mind you, not amateur anti-vaccine activists).


    • Haha 1
  13. Sigh.  I'm starting to fall into the trap.  "Life is short, so above all, spend as much time as possible arguing politics with strangers on the internet."

    I'm not changing your mind, and vice-versa.  The best I can hope for is that you show a little bit more sympathy and respect to the millions of Americans who are faced with very difficult decisions about this vaccine, especially when the "expert" track record on this virus has been so abysmal.  Your position is that if anyone disagrees with you on the vaccination issue, they must be a bunch of knuckle-dragging, conspiracy-obsessed morons, and it simply isn't true.

    My entire family has been vaccinated, but I strongly believe the utter destruction of civil liberties, and the trampling of the covenant between the governing and the governed is a much greater threat to this nation that a virus with an astronomically high survival rate.

    13 minutes ago, pawnman said:

    Much like all the anti-vaxx responses can be boiled down to "I trust anecdotes and random YouTube videos more than medical experts."

    If you can't trust Anthony Fauci, who can you trust in this world?  

    Bottom line, if you don't do exactly what the government tells you to do under any circumstances, you're an idiot.  

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to inventory my arctic survival equipment.  In the late 1970s the US government published response plans for the upcoming ice age, and I don't want to be caught off guard.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, pawnman said:

    Much like all the anti-vaxx responses can be boiled down to "I trust anecdotes and random YouTube videos more than medical experts."

    If you can't trust Anthony Fauci, who can you trust in this world?  

    Bottom line, if you don't do exactly what the government tells you to do under any circumstances, you're an idiot.  

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to inventory my arctic survival equipment.  In the late 1970s the US government published response plans for the upcoming ice age, and I don't want to be caught off guard.

    • Like 1
  15. If we could get some statements from a random assortment of people not opting for the vaccine, it may sound something like this.  I've included the standard response.

    "I'm currently trying to get pregnant, and have strong concerns if now is the time to be taking an experimental vaccine."

    Response: "Go to hell you demented anti-vaxxer.  When our glorious leaders mandate the vaccine and passports, you will be utterly removed from society."

    "I've already had COVID, and I think many medical experts agree that getting the vaccine after having COVID is not only unnecessary, but it might be dangerous.  I'd like to see some more research."

    Response: "Go to hell you demented anti-vaxxer.  When our glorious leaders mandate the vaccine and passports, you will be utterly removed from society."

    "I'm young and healthy.  I've carefully studied the hospitalization and mortality rates for COVID in my demographic(<.1%), and I think the risks of an experimental vaccine outweigh the benefits.

    Response: "Go to hell you demented anti-vaxxer.  When our glorious leaders mandate the vaccine and passports, you will be utterly removed from society."

    "I spent 25 years in the military and fought in two wars.  I've been shot up with so much crazy crap like smallpox and anthrax that I refuse to be forced to take another vaccine now that I'm retired."

    Response: "Go to hell you demented anti-vaxxer.  When our glorious leaders mandate the vaccine and passports, you will be utterly removed from society."

    "I'm usually not a conspiracy enthusiast, but I'm familiar with the thalidomide birth defects.  I feel like there have been countless episodes in which governments have thought something was safe, and it was not.  I am very nervous about taking new drugs, and I don't want to."

    Response: "Go to hell you demented anti-vaxxer.  When our glorious leaders mandate the vaccine and passports, you will be utterly removed from society."

    "My sibling had a horrific reaction to the vaccine and had to be hospitalized. Since we share so much DNA, I'm very reluctant to take this vaccine."

    Response: "Go to hell you demented anti-vaxxer.  When our glorious leaders mandate the vaccine and passports, you will be utterly removed from society."

    "Our government has been contradicting themselves about COVID incessantly.  I have no reason to believe that they're right about vaccine efficacy and safety, considering they've been wrong about everything else."

    Response: "Go to hell you demented anti-vaxxer.  When our glorious leaders mandate the vaccine and passports, you will be utterly removed from society."

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, Prozac said:

    Government violence? its a shot, not waterboarding. I know needles are big and scary and everything, but maybe if you're really good and don't throw a tantrum, the nice A1C will let you pick out a lollypop after she jabs you. 

    Good lord.  Currently the Australian military is patrolling the streets like some dystopian movie to ensure citizens don't leave their homes, and here you are making snarky remarks like that.

    Millions of people have genuine doubts and concerns about this vaccination, as well as everything they've been told about this virus by the government.  My entire family has been vaccinated, but I fully understand why some people have elected to avoid the jab.  They have very valid concerns, and a government that changes the playbook every week is not helping.


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  17. The Olympics are a funny thing.  My default position is I don't care in the least about them, especially in this day and age of wokey this and wokey that.

    My wife, however, is a lifetime Olympic fiend, so the games are on constantly in my house.  It's kind of funny how, one minute I don't give a damn, and the next minute life as I know it will be over if the women's volleyball team doesn't defeat Cuba.  And the men's swimming medley was phenomenal.

    So, yeah, it's still entertaining.  Hats off to the genuine Olympic rock stars who do phenomenal things and are proud of the nation that supports them.


    • Like 1
  18. 4 hours ago, di1630 said:

    I had Covid, very mild to the point I was flying 3 sorties with it and didn’t know.

    I got the first dose of moderna (felt worse than actual covid) and then my base ran out so I never got the 2nd shot.

    From everything I’ve read, one dose gives me 80% effectiveness, some readings say 95% since I already had the virus.

    I’m not against the 2nd shot, just not a priority.

    When I’m asked if I’m vaccinated I say yes. Is it official that I need both shots?

    As I understand the current state of things, by forsaking your 2nd shot you are a diabolical enemy of the state who takes joy in killing innocent people.

    Of course, updated CDC guidance may be forthcoming at any time.

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