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Posts posted by baileynme

  1.  Xaarman what’s your opinion on AA hiring in the next few years?  I’ve seen charts projecting their hiring to continue for another 3-4 years, but would like your perspective.
    specifically curious about the early 2023 timeframe...
    Airline Pilot Central has pretty accurate numbers. 2023 you'll be catching the the wave just as it's about to crest. The next few years after will see 900+.

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  2. It's complicated. 
    It's important to know the background of AA. It's a four headed beast of Legacy AA, TWA, America West, and US Airways. Everyone has been screwed over in some form.
    US Airways and America West merged in the early 2000s. The Nicalau Award, infamous in aviation and airline history, was extremely controversial. It said that the two pilot lists will be blended in the same relative seniority, so if you were 30% on the old list, you'd be 30% on the new list. However, US Airways was a very old airline, and AWA was a very young airline. Therefore, you'd have pilots who had been on property 5 years, being put over pilots who have been on property 20 years. As you've heard, seniority is everything. 
    The unions refused to ratify the arbitration decision, and instead concentrated their hate and distrust between each other. This lasted for almost 10 years. With no ability to ratify a new collective bargaining agreement, neither union could move forward and it got nasty as each one blamed the other for their woes. For the line pilots, it mainly meant frozen pay rates and work rules for a decade. Management played off this and rode the cheap labor for years, as the airlines operated as two separate companies under one paint job.
    TWA was on the brink of complete liquidation. Not a normal bankruptcy where you renegotiate debt, but at the point where the metal was going to be scrapped to satisfy the debts. Instead, AA bought them, but the pilots list was simply stapled to the bottom of the AA seniority list. One guy I talked to lost 12 years of seniority overnight. So they were pissed.
    Legacy AA had something called the B Scale. In order to get a new contract, a contract was signed where for the first 5 (?) years, you were paid less than the A scale guys. No difference in equipment operated or work rules, but you'll get paid less so the pilots already on property could get paid more. "You'll be senior someday" mentality. Then came all the bankruptcies, frozen A funds (pensions pilots were banking on) and pay cuts.
    The moral of the story? EVERYONE on property got screwed over in some form. Some pilots cannot get over the past.
    So why do Pilots hate Doug Parker? Is it deserved? Yes and no. Keep in mind, he was CEO of America West and rode the CEO wave to the top of AA. 
    Some pilots here are so bitter, they want the world to burn. They have been on the wrong side of the airline industry for 30-40 years. They've lost houses, their domiciles closed, been through multiple divorces, owe(d) child support and alimony, and have always had an awful relationship with management. There are no saving this pilot group, you can never make them happy. 
    Then we have our contract. The 2013 contract was written to include programs that didn't exist yet. Long story short is they turned off some stuff that was made obsolete in the contract, the replacement sucked, the pilot group wanted it back, the company said OK but we can't program all the stuff in the new contract. Pilot group said we don't care, and thus everything was put on hold to re-activate programs that had been de-integrated and shut down. A scheduling mistake in 2017 solidified the non-implementation, as the pilot group got HUGE work rule changes in agreement for dropping all grievances against the non implementation of the contract. BUT management has implemented items that help them, but none that help the pilot group. 
    So, now we're in my personal opinion. Should DP be fired? From a leadership point of view, he's lost most, if not every work group.  Ed Bastian and DAL have figured out labor relations. Oscar Munoz has figured out how to do it at UAL. AA seems behind the times, sticking with labor and negotiating tactics that the worst of the industry invented. They preach a "new American" but hired the same company negotiator that has been at the center point of all the awful combative labor relations (Jerry Glass.) So you have a bitter pilot group, and a management philosophy of more of the same.  So the CEO talks a good talk, but actions are pointing towards another long, nasty "same ol same ol" company culture. Nobody believes we're going to overtake UAL or DAL with Doug in charge. Motivation isn't low, it's more like do your job and go home. There's no real reason to go the extra mile, or go above and beyond. And it seems like management is OK with that. 
    So again, should DP be fired? Probably, but only if we can guarantee his replacement is better. And then the new guy needs to clean house of the middle management that still operates like it's in the early 90s. 
    Overall, I do like it here. They've treated me well. I live in base, bid reserve, and worked 5 days this month, for 76 hours of pay. I've been on property for 2 years and can hold Captain later this year. But I do union work in Contract Compliance and new hire mentor, so I see a lot of the management-first solutions often, especially in Crew Scheduling.
    As someone that just started, thanks. I could see the animosity, ambivalence, and hopefulness and struggled to understand the whys from each side. This is a great 10k foot summary. Overall I'm excited to be at AA but coming from AD my opinion is probably probably skewed.

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  3. Bashi Bro,
    If you are asking for more than 6 months I would list your ADSC availability until it gets approved. If you are asking for 6 months or less, I think you are safe to list the requested PC date. AFPC can approve 6 months off without sending it up for adjudication to SAF/PC. That has been a very high approval rate lately. More than 6 months, too many other factors come into play to have any idea what the board will do (career field manning, commander concur/non concur etc)

    As always YMMV and have a solid answer to back up your stated availability date in an interview. If you are asked about it and tap dance too much around it, that might not go well.
    AFPC can approve IF everyone recommends approval all the way up. I had all recommend disapproval then SAF/PC made the smart decision to let me have parole anyways.

    Being a guy that was in your shoes less than a year ago, I would recommend putting your ADSC then adjusting your dates. If you started the PC process early enough you'll have plenty of time on the market after its approved to get picked up. If not, get PCS'd and give the Guard a couple months work. For a data point, I was approved early September, adjusted my avail (now 1 Jan) and got hired by AA late November. I start Tuesday so I barely had enough time to swear in and get a new CAC.

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  4. Starting to work on my airline applications and was looking for some recommendations for books and resources to help with the application and interview process.
    Are the following books worthwhile to buy?
    Cockpit 2 Cockpit 
    Everything Explained for the Professional Pilot
    Checklist for success: A pilot’s guide to the successful airline interview 
    Would you recommend Milkeep to help convert my hours?
    Any specific recommendations for application review and interview prep companies?
    Any other advice in getting started?
    You are going to get a lot of different recommendations but here's my personal take.

    Hours: DIY with Excel, or use MilKeep
    Light Reading: What you said
    App Review: CheckedandSet (buy the combo with Emerald Coast) use Charlie, the others I've heard mixed reviews. They'll review two apps, pick your two favorites that are on two different sites (AKA NOT United and Delta)
    Resume Prep: personally had a bad experience with Career Takeoff, used CockpittoCockpit template instead
    Interview Prep: Emerald Coast, lifetime membership. Great for general prep.

    All this said, other companies offer resume, app, and interview prep all in one package. Most of those are focused on one airline or another so if you have a favorite use those. I wanted American and did not hear about Judy Tarver (AA focus) until I had already completed Emerald Coast prep. Again, lots of opinions inbound but this set up worked for me (CJO and starting with AA on the 21st).

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  5. Hey MooseAg03, do you have a reference for this?  I was denied “house hunting” by my commander, but I’ve heard of several guys using the 20 days that’s sighted in Rule 2.  Didn’t know if you had a good reference I could use to get that time?
    Also, I’m able to palace front on 30 Jul 20, and I have a PC package in for 3 Feb 20, which is currently at SAF after my functional recommended disapproval.  I’m already closing on a house near my guard unit Next month and want to move my family up then.  Obviously I won’t have approval or orders by then to start the TMO process.  Since I’m within a year from actual separation and served more than 8 years, can I move them now without orders or PC approval?  How do I start that process?  
    For the PCS, I see a potential Catch 22. TMO has to have orders, to have orders you have to have a DOS. You cant establish a DOS because you have a PC app in. So, my guess would be no without some serious reg digging.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Baseops Network mobile app

  6. Congrats! Interesting that you had disapproval’s, I thought inside of 6 was a sure thing. 
    I'm at an FTU and had a Wing CC at the time that blanket disapproved PC apps. AFPC took that to mean me departing would hurt pilot production even though my unit is technically overmanned. Basically one Wg/CC influenced the whole chain. Either way, good to know SAF/PC truly cares about your impact to the Total Force and made the right decision here (I may be a little biased).

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Baseops Network mobile app

  7. So mine has taken a strange turn. I had disapproval from Sq and Wg CCs (blanket disapproval was policy from previous Wg CC). My functional recommended approval but then his boss went back and changed it to disapproval for the functional even though "unit manning supported" then next level did the same. Anyone seen this before? For those keeping score at home, that puts me at four disapproval recommendations, 0 approval. 11M asking for 5 months with an intent to hire.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Baseops Network mobile app

  8. I called the Total Force Service Center any time it sat somewhere longer than 10 days and they would open a CMS case. My ISR freaked out a bit when I told him I had already started out-processing, then he called a contact at AFPC to try to nudge it along. There’s no reason why it should take any longer than 2 months if it isn’t even going to SAF.

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    Good technique. I'm a few steps behind you. What set of initials is the Functional? Mine went from DP2ORM back to DP2OR but no changes to my AFPC attachment in my app.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Baseops Network mobile app

  9. C-17 and C-141 guy here.  The nice thing about the C-17 is jet speeds, jet engines,  travel the world, and participate in world events as they happen, like earthquakes, hurricanes, contingencies, evacuations, VIP and Presidential support. For example, I flew into Berlin as the wall was dismantled, Panama invasion, all the wars and skirmishes since 1987. Left 6 years of active duty with 4400 hrs of international heavy jet time, which the airlines love. My buds in Tankers had 1500 hrs total in the same time frame.  To be fair that was during the time they sat SAC  alert a lot.  The nice thing about C-17 is it’s new’ish, you get to taste all missions, Airdrop, tac low level, special ops, Air refueling etc.  we had a few Tanker guys transition into my Reserve squadron and they liked the challenge of the mission but complained about all the currency.  Either way, if you notice the responses so far, most guys like the plane their flying and enjoy the mission.  If your goal is Airlines, I think a KC-46 would be tough to beat nowadays.
    Good Luck
    Just to be clear to the new dude, "only sitting SAC alert" died a long time ago and so did low hours in the tanker. I don't have the math but I personally have the same, if not more, hours in the KC-135 than my C-17 compatriots and definitely more than just about any other MWS. The AF has taken full advantage of the low mileage on the 135. Bad for being on the road, great for dudes that want an airline job.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Baseops Network mobile app

  10. Has anyone thought about elevating this to their congressman or senator. If they want to deny it then deny it but making you wait til last minute is wrong on so many levels. Seems everyone has tried fixing this at the lowest level and failed perhaps it’s time it gets elevated. 
    I'm not going to rule it out but I'm not there yet in my current situation. We'll see how the next month or two develops.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Baseops Network mobile app

  11. Two questions:
    1) If waiting on words from AFPC on Palace Chase paperwork, can the squadron still deploy the member? The deployment would take them past their requested separation date.
    2) If SQ/CC non-concurs (not sure of exact verbiage) or there’s no endorsement from the Wing, I understand it has to go above the O-6 for approval—how much time does that add to the process?
    FYI: Pilot asking for 5 months off UPT ADSC; 5.5 months off GI Bill transfer and OCONUS to CONUS PCS.
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    2) Wg/CC will have to acknowledge in some way, even if its non-concur. My understanding is if it's "concur" up the chain then it stops at AFPC and is approved. If there are any "non- concurs" the SAF/PC board looks at it and makes a decision to deny, approve, or offer less time.

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  12. Watching Free Solo a few weeks ago while TDY in Virginia.  Was captivated by the story, and the documentary was brilliantly done; but I was also unnerved as well by some of the risks Honnold took.

    He is definitely wired differently from the rest of us, but you do have to admire his passion!
    Spoiler alert but the CAT scan scene and him filling out the questionnaire was fascinating for that reason. I've watched it twice and was unable to look away during the climb. The shots they got were incredible.

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