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Elevated Liver Enzymes

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I just got some routine bloodwork done with my PCP for an annual physical and the results showed higher than average ALA aminotransferase and aspartate aminotrans numbers. Some later blood work and an ultrasound eliminated some common/serious causes (not hepatitis, diabetes, etc) but doctors are recommending a biopsy to figure out what the cause could be. Besides that no other abnormalities on the blood tests and I am in good, healthy physical condition. No drug use or significant medical history besides an appendectomy.

I’m currently waiting for the 6-month post-LASIK period to even go to MEPS but I wanted to ask if this is something that that can potentially raise some flags at MEPS or flight physicals when I am able to go? Is it a disqualifying condition?

(29-year-old male if that matters)

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