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Going Reserves as Enlisted

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Good day all,

im an AD C-17 guy. My daughter wants to enlist as a LM in the Reserves. How do E’s go about getting hired by a unit?  She spoke with a Reserve recruiter in CHS and was told she can’t pick a job and location. I thought that was an advantage of going that route. Any help pointing her in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. 


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Not sure what that recruitor was smoking because that’s the whole point of going reserve, being in control of where you serve and what job you do... Choosing the AFSC will be based on manning/availability so the recruitor should have a good idea of what jobs are available, and depending on if your daughter is dead set on a job even if it isn’t available the squadron may be able to go passed 100% manning in certain situations. 

TLDR: ask for a different recruitor who’s not a dipshit. 

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Enlisting as LM or BO is the best way to get a pilot slot in the guard/reserves of that squadron. Not sure how it is in the reserves but since it is the 'best' enlisted job in the airforce, the guard holds boards for the two enlisted flying positions.

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