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Two members of the Blue Angels kicked off the team


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It doesn't matter if they're in your chain or not. Adultery is punishable under UCMJ.

Didn't see that one was married, but it figures...this kind of sh!t happens all the time. If you're going to be an idiot, at least try not to get caught. :bash:

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Do we think that a married officer banging another chick is inappropriate? Hmmm. Considering you can get an Article 15 for adultury, yes.

Do you really need to ask that in an open forum like this? What did you think the answer was?

Yes I did think it was necesary to ask since I didnt know, sorry for not having all the answers. Also I w

s asking because everyone automatically went to the default of it being a Enlisted/Officer situation so I figured Id ask. thanks for making me feel stupid though

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Guest falcondawg05
RUMINT over on Airshowbuzz.com says the Admin Officer, Lt Gretchen Doane, was involved, too.


Dude shes not even all that pretty and i hear shes a lot older than him. And from what I understand from other forums, shes got more time in the service, so should should know better, right????

Damn, stuff like this is a total career killer. Hope it was worth all the negative attention theyre both getting. I cant even imagine going back out to the fleet and knowing that everyone i work with knew.

I need a drink :beer:

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"...so I figured Id ask. thanks for making me feel stupid though"

Bishop, you rock. ;)

On the topic of the thread...seriously, is . The humping is never worth the consequences. YOU think about that next time, twice...'cause I won't!


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To steal a quote from Mr Raw himself (before he become Mr Klump...):

"Even if the pussy was great, and sparks shot out the woman's ass, and cannons blared and the mountains crumbled and the seas roared, no pussy is worth [your wings, your navy career, your spot on the Blue Angels, etc]!"

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To steal a quote from Mr Raw himself (before he become Mr Klump...):

"Even if the ###### was great, and sparks shot out the woman's ass, and cannons blared and the mountains crumbled and the seas roared, no ###### is worth [your wings, your navy career, your spot on the Blue Angels, etc]!"

Lol, I just shat myself with that one.

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