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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2010 in all areas

  1. Put reflective belts on all light poles....or is this the wrong thread for that? Moderators change as required.
    1 point
  2. Looks like we're already screwed since the OPFOR stole your shift key.
    1 point
  3. Negative, the solution is for the first shirt, wing douchebag, CGO assclown, etc. to STOP filling everyone's in-container with 6-9 ppt announcements and various emails per day. Literally 90% of my email is completely bullshit that I care 0% about. Luckily someone smart invented the auto-delete rule in Outlook, which helps mitigate these retarded emails decently, but still some sneak through. Most users are not the problem, it's the dumbasses who send mass spam mail 10 times a day. Comm killed that possibility long ago.
    1 point
  4. I think we've identified one of the first wearers of this new "CYBERSPACE BADGE"...
    1 point
  5. 2. We don't do callsigns either - though some nicknames have definitely stuck - but remember that cliche BS about a thousand attaboys for one screwup. It's true. Especially when you FORGET TO PUT THE GEAR DOWN. Or try to fly a crappy Russian PAR(or whatever it was) to 50 ft and less vis. Been to Russia in the winter? Yeah. 100 ft cloud deck is generous. Bottom line, the jokes and ridicule, good natured or otherwise, are a reflection of the high standards to which we hold each other. It can be overspeeding the flaps by 50 knots or ramming a mountain in Albania, but the lightest penalty is a bad callsign. The worst is a smoking hole.
    1 point
  6. i just want everyone to know that its called a CYBERSPACE BADGE not wings. so you all can get ur panties out of a bunch now.
    -1 points
  7. not really but i just find it hilarious how u guys are going bonkers over a badge that looks nothing like aero wings. if anything the space cadets should be the ones pissed bc it looks like their badge more than anything.
    -1 points
  8. EDIT: Not really safe for work I guess. lol, http://ugliesttattoos.com/2010/03/24/funny-tattoos-giant-cock/ *Ron Burgundy voice* "I immediately regret this decision."
    -1 points
  9. First: Each of the AWOs (WDs) listens to four external nets; more often than not they are not the same net and every bit of information which is transmitted to Wizard isn't shared among the controllers or the rest of the crew (I'm sure you can imagine the amount of information which comes across 13 different UHF let alone 2 satcom, 3 vhf, 3 hf, etc...) So when BoneXX radio checks AC-1 he may be talking to someone, potentially not a controller, who doesn't share that non-mission essential bit of information with the rest of the crew and our training supports that. Do we make sure that things like TICs, CSAR/SAR, tanker information is shared amongst the crew? Absolutely and our crew TTPs/contracts are set up to support that information flow. Imagine for a second that you, your copilot and your loadmaster (or engineer or other crew position XX) each listened to 4x different nets. Do you think all information passed among those 8-12 nets would get shared even with two-three crewmembers? If you're a single seat guy imagine if all of your wingman were listening to 3x different nets with a single common? Second: We're system limited as to the # of SIF we can load to have the computer display your callsign when it senses your unique SIF. I'm positive that every aircraft which takes off in the AOR uses their ATO assigned mission # and has a valid M4 (sarcasm) While M4 doesn't mean much in certain theaters it means quite a bit in others. While that comm interaction is commical, thereby meeting the intent of the thread, I'm sure that there is no way someone could have loaded the incorrect mode 2/3 or stepped to spare and didn't reset the modes (sarcasm) thereby increasing the chances that the AWO (WD) would think Bone XX is airborne when in fact it was Bone XY. Third: Wouldn't you rather have that comm instead of not having it and potentially swapping paint? Not likely but then again I'm positive that everyone, everywhere (sarcasm) is always on their ACO/ACP/SPINS/COF assigned altitude and in their corridor. I'd prefer the controller has the SA to not make that call in the first place but I'd rather that piece of extraneous SAFETY related comm instead of not having it. Waldo
    -8 points
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