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nsplayr last won the day on April 16

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  1. I have given lengthy, insanely lengthy, explanations and justifications for my views on numerous political and non political topics over literally 15+ years posting here. If this is what you take away, itā€™s more proof that it was all a massive waste of time! Thank you for confirming my belief that this is all a bad habit that weā€™d all be better off doing less of. The truth is my beliefs have changed over time just like anyone else, but also that my values remain relatively stable and those values lead me to overwhelmingly support liberal, Democratic policies rather than ones proposed by the conservatives, libertarians, socialists, etc. Believe it or not thatā€™s a perfectly reasonable POV to have, just like itā€™s perfectly reasonable to be 69% consistently conservative GOP, libertarian, or grouchy contrarian and ā€œpolitically homelessā€ like most of yā€™all here are. Also believe it or not all of this type of conversation is much more effectively had in person. It works so much better when talking to my friends of all political stripes in person, over a late night shift or a beer. As you pointed out, too many people are miserable assholes online even more so than in real life. I try not to be too often, but hey, sometimes itā€™s hard (sts). My resolution, although it hasnā€™t always been kept, is to stop typing political stuff here and to take those thoughts to places where theyā€™re more productively heard and where I can better appreciate other peoples points of view - in person. Or just to STFU and talk about normal stuff like cars, airplanes, kids, sports, etc. Politics is a new national pastime 24/7/364 and honestly the whole country is worse off for it. Back to step 1 on my BO.net AA journey, ā€œI am powerless over my desire to talk politics with you miserable bastards here, and that waste of time and effort has become unmanageable.ā€ šŸ¤£
  2. Good thing youā€™re not a mil officer then! You seem to genuinely not like America very much. No mention that Russians have no rights under Putin other than what he allows. The brazen murders around the globe. Invading neighboring countries, etc. šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø I for one find is to be the good guys the vast majority of the time despite our faults and I have hope for an even better future. I plan to work toward that rather than wallow in our faults and apologize for enemies. To each his own I guess!
  3. Hold on, let me check JuannaBlowMe.net for the latest ā€œunfiltered truth dataā€ from the battlefieldā€¦ Or maybe thereā€™s another 4 hour podcast with 3 blurry guys from Cyprus that has some intel Iā€™m not seeing at work? F off man, this is not a debate worth having with you Chang. I hope you can pay for your next set of knee pads in rubles once your current set wears out.
  4. Look, just because Iā€™m a terrible addict doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t tell you that crack is bad. You are 96.9% likely not convincing anyone of anything who didnā€™t already agree with you. Youā€™re also, IMHO, being both a weird contrarian AND a useful idiot for clear Russian IO propaganda, but thatā€™s just my opinion. I admittedly havenā€™t read your entire library and carefully parsed the facts from the BS. And I donā€™t plan to. There is absolutely room for debate on how, when, why and how much we should support Ukraineā€™s continued fight against the Russian invasion vs other possible policies we might choose instead. But not if the opening argument for that proposed policy change is based on what you heard on the PutinTV.net podcast, thatā€™s just not gonna pass muster in this forum of what should be relatively informed mil personnel, nor should it. Love you too though šŸ˜˜
  5. My man, I say this with more experience than 69% of the people here...you abso-fucking-lutely are wasting your time here. I would know!
  6. Saying RT is the same as privately-owned US news outlets working with the government at times is laughable. Especially from a fellow military officer. This is exactly the point of view Russia would like you to have! So well done there. Reminds me of the video below. While Trump is not technically wrong from a very cynical POV, the worldview is wrong IMHO in that in puts the U.S. government on the same morally equivalent ground as the Russian government, and again, as a mil officer I sincerely hope you donā€™t actually believe that!
  7. Funny enough thatā€™s a BO.net specialty! šŸ¤£
  8. They really missed an opportunity to say "Britain's Greatest Penis," I think that would have been better šŸ†
  9. nsplayr

    Gun Talk

    Given what you meant, this is a funny typo šŸ˜…
  10. We're all better informed by listening to Duran Duran than to reading straight-from-the-source Russian propaganda like The Duran. Agree with helping Ukraine, disagree with doing that, that's all fine; that particular source of "information" is incredibly bad. It's unmitigated BS and propaganda designed to entice Westerners to support pro-Russian policies. Side note: IDK how some of you guys even watch 2+ hour long video podcasts where it's just 2-4 blurry guys babbling on and S-ing each other's intellectual D-s the whole time. It's literally the most mind-numbing thing I've ever encountered. Here's a recommendation for what to spend your time with tonight:
  11. The incentive structure is off in non-ops-oriented units & work areas. They gain nothing from the mission going successfully or going at all. Hell, they may only be vaguely aware at best of what the mission of their installation even is. What inventive do they have to bend the rules, expedite, hell, even follow their own rules to ensure the mission gets done? Very little unfortunately. Heck, I can say the same thing in some ways even for Ops. Too often your OPR / standing in the squadron just assumes everyone is relatively equally competent at the mission so, "Tell me what else you've done lately?" Shop work and extraneous bullshit > flying prowess in most units in my experience, even some good ones. Occasionally there's a no-shitter mission where things have to happen right or people die and then you get a small glimpse into who can actually fucking hack it and who, despite potentially being rated highly on paper, cannot.
  12. Yā€™all keep responding to this dude on all his burners and Iā€™m still wondering whyā€¦
  13. Oooohh scary! You know who has two thumbs owns Alphabet shares through Vanguard? This guy šŸ˜Ž I must really be near the inner-most rings of power, in that same all-powerful Vanguard account I also own shares in 499 other large American companies! Tune in next week when I explain how I amassed this power and how you might be able to learn the truth too. #tinfoil
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