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Air Force Rated Officer Survey


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Reason #469...

I don't have one. This is not an official survey sanctioned by the USAF. I'm doing a thesis paper, and need saw information to back my argument...if you don't have time to do it, then don't. Please, I DO NOT want to take time away from doing the primary mission.

Apologies if this seemed like a mandatory survey. It is not.

The funniest part of having a survey control office in the USAF...is that the entire premise is to minimize Airmen fatigue...I may be wrong, but I don't think surveys are causing fatigue.

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Here is the prompt:

Question: You have just been called in to consult with the Chief of Staff of your nation's Air Force. The chief tasks you to write a proposal regarding the future of your Air Force. Using the sum of your career experiences, what you have learned at ACSC, and any other sources of evidence you may require, answer ALL of the following questions. The chief says "strive to be creative and original in your thinking."

- What are the characteristics of the Air Force in 2016?

- What should characterize the Air Force in 2036?

- What decisions must be made and actions taken to get us from here to there?


- This is a problem solving exercise. Think through the problem to a well-reasoned and well-supported solution and express that solution with clarity, precision, and persuasiveness. Be "creative and original in your thinking."

- Ten pages in standard ACSC format

- NLT COB 4 April to flight mentor

- Proposals will be assessed as Exemplary, Satisfactory, and Unsatisfactory. Exemplary proposals will be forwarded to the AU/CC. Unsatisfactory proposals will be redone.

Our guidance

My thesis (which I haven't written completely yet) is describing what I see as the main characteristics affecting USAF rated officer corps (I.e. Retention, morale...which is pretty darn good, etc) in 2016. Where we need to go from here...and how to get there. You can tell what I think are the issues (personnel management, OPS tempo, and leadership).

Long story long...I don't have my thesis written completely yet.

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3 hours ago, Guardian said:

Academic types yes. AU who requires sanctioning and official approval over a survey's content, no

Umm, the name is Air University. As a military academic institution, ACSC ain't Harvard Business School, but it follows standard academic processes. As ThreeHoler indicated, anyone wanting to use survey data in their ACSC coursework will have to jump through the school's hoops. It's no different (and likely worse) in civilian institutions. 


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Academic types yes. AU who requires sanctioning and official approval over a survey's content, no

Umm, the name is Air University. As a military academic institution, ACSC ain't Harvard Business School, but it follows standard academic processes. As ThreeHoler indicated, anyone wanting to use survey data in their ACSC coursework will have to jump through the school's hoops. It's no different (and likely worse) in civilian institutions. 


Much better explanation than jumping to an uninformed conclusion that I don't know any academic types. Thanks TnkrToad

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5 minutes ago, Guardian said:

Much better explanation than jumping to an uninformed conclusion that I don't know any academic types. Thanks TnkrToad

Dude, you've got to chill out a bit.

I was making a joke (apparently too subtle) about academia. If you didn't get the humor, you clearly don't know many folks who are (or have) slogged through a grad school (grad students/grad school staff and faculty being the academic types to whom I refer). If your "academic type" friends can't regale you with tales of woe when it comes to senseless academic bureaucracy, they can't be attending noteworthy schools, or are just barely getting started in their programs. 

Getting back on topic, best wishes to Whis and all others trying to gather meaningful data and write useful papers for the benefit of the service. 


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