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Lecarpetron Dukemarriot

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Everything posted by Lecarpetron Dukemarriot

  1. That's what I look like the morning after a no fly day in Vegas.
  2. Jon, I'm wondering what your thoughts are on the housing/mortgage markets moving forward. Caveat: not looking for "legal or financial advice".
  3. I can confirm. I was in the back seat of the mishap jet.
  4. "just short of nuclear"...That's an ominous description considering Putin is experiencing worldwide scrutiny and embarrassment. What will he do when pushed into the corner?
  5. Director of Executive Protection at Tilray Jason Bertrand is a Director of Executive Protection at Tilray based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.
  6. No worries.... AWACS recap is coming....again....maybe.....
  7. The saga continues https://www.linkedin.com/posts/stuart-scheller-589062139_activity-6837780100155506688-293m
  8. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/stuart-scheller-589062139_to-the-american-leadership-very-respectfully-activity-6836822158526705664-H5Bd
  9. Indeed. I wonder how bad this disaster will get before people stop blaming Trump. My guess is never.
  10. Honorable mention to the capitalization used for black and asian vs white.
  11. I’ve been listening to them for decades. Although maybe I missed the videos they produced in the past making little kids upset because they are white.
  12. This appears to be cult indoctrination https://youtu.be/5lnTvwdoQFw
  13. Really.... https://www.stripes.com/news/us/some-us-troops-view-capitol-riots-racial-protests-equally-worrying-pentagon-leaders-1.666455?fbclid=IwAR0wRkyTbWbrpI90jEo_hL6KQOI3RJ4R4MEe1V828B7Nsx0pFGm-xeysEPY
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