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  1. Thanks for the reply's. I hadn't even thought about having to take them on and off. Is there any issue with the standard earpiece or the bayonet moving around or sliding under G's or looking down? Has anyone had any personal experience with the comfort cable? I randomly came across a topic on airwarriors.com where a Navy guy swore by the comfort cable, but I haven't seen much else about people using that style.
  2. What is the best temple style to wear with the helmet and O2 mask? Comfort cable? Or just the standard regular glasses earpiece? I'm assuming the bayonet is not the best choice. Like someone else who posted here I'm a glasses only guy. My eyes have never really gelled with any type of contacts I've tried. Also does anyone here know anyone who has continued to wear the flight frames post UPT? Especially in an aircraft that flies with the helmet and mask? Just hoping I'm not putting myself at a disadvantage by being a glasses only guy.
  3. Is there any document available that summarizes the changes for the Air National Guard, similar to the one that was posted in the "AFRC Force Structure Changes" thread?
  4. What are the chances of getting two waivers, one for refractive error and one for near vision, on an FCI? MEPS had my near vision at 20/40 uncorrected. And if I end up testing out at 20/40 again on the FCI, do I have any hope of getting a waiver for that on top of my refractive error waiver that I already know I need? Or should I just hope and pray that I have a good day and I am able to read the 20/30 line? Thanks
  5. Yeah, and I'm I'm offended by Werewolves because it insinuates witchcraft.... /sarcasm What a freaking political correctness joke.
  6. Thank you for the help and advice. Reading up in the Air Force Waiver guide now.
  7. Lots of good information in this thread, so thanks. However much of it, to me, is like reading a foreign language, and thus I'm still a bit confused on where I would stand in terms of being waiverable or not. I just had my routine eye checkup today, and everything was fine, but I did ask for what my prescription was as well as what my 20/whatever was so that I could post them here. My prescription reads: SPH. CYL. Axis -2.25 +1.00 008 -2.50 +1.50 165 Also I asked to do the typical eye chart and came out as 20/100. I guess my eyes might be a bit better than that number because I took the test after my eyes had been dilated, but I don't think I'm better than 20/70. But I guess my question is, am I within waiverable limits or is surgery in my future? Thank you in advance.
  8. To a fellow Hokie as well. Thoughts go out to the families of all those involved.
  9. Good news! Question is, will they stick to that time table?
  10. I'll be there, never flown in though. One day though. Just learned today though that the A380 will be there.
  11. Landed in the pacific ocean... guess they failed again.
  12. That is actually not the case. One can be given an appointment to flight school straight from OCS and USCGA. It's of course extremely competitive, but nonetheless can happen.
  13. Haha pretty funny. It's sad how that church brings those kids who have no idea what is going on with them to protest.
  14. They protested the memorial services for the people killed in the Colgan crash in Buffalo. Apparently allowing gays in society was the reason those people perished in the crash... And apparently the victims deserved it... Bunch of a**bags. I'd love to give them a piece of my mind.
  15. I remember reading earlier that there was some debate about adding a chin mounted gattling gun to the Osprey. Did they ever make their decision on this?
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